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Gardening SUSTAIN

Summer Garden Maintenance Tips

Summer isn’t all sunshine and daisies when it comes to the wonderful world of gardening. In fact, it is quite the opposite. Summer garden maintenance and upkeep are of prime importance to keep everything flourishing. Keep in mind that this is the time of year that most see as most desirable when it comes to […]


Advantages of Raising Bantam Chickens

What is so special about bantam chickens? After all, they are small birds, and a large one usually is far smaller than other chickens. The eggs are smaller as well. Their traits set them apart from other chickens, and make them a breed many people prefer, especially if they live in wilderness areas. Bantams are […]

Gardening SUSTAIN

How do Pepper Plants Grow Best?

Everybody uses pepper to season their food at one point or another. Whether it’s a bell pepper in a stir fry dish, red pepper in a sauce, or chili peppers with beans, peppers are a popular seasoning that people take for granted. Pepper plants are easy to grow and make a lovely addition to any […]


CBD and Medicinal Gardening

Thrilled to have the opportunity to chat with the lovely, talented Nancy Addison! We’re chatting about hemp, CBD, and medicinal herbs to discover how to choose what works best for your lifestyle. Nature is better, we all know this! Tune in and listen to Barb Webb and Nancy Addison discuss hemp, CBD, and medicinal gardening. […]

Gardening SUSTAIN

Get the Most out of Your Small Garden Space

Small gardens are charming, but they can also be challenging, especially if you have big-garden aspirations. With a little ingenuity, you can transform your small garden space to produce on a large garden scale. If you want to get the most of your small garden, use these strategies to help: Plan Before you start planting, […]


3 Aromatherapy Oils That Enhance Your Memory

Recently we shared three memory tricks you can use while traveling. Today we’re chatting about a quick way you can boost your memory power even more – aromatherapy! For centuries the unique scents of essential oils have been used to enhance both physical and emotional well being. The sense of smell is extremely powerful. From […]

Gardening SUSTAIN

Garden Power Tools That Will Make Maintaining Your Garden a Breeze

Have you ever felt like maintaining your garden is a lot of work? Perhaps you spend way too much time with that old lawn mower that cuts your grass unevenly, or maybe you’re sick of manually sweeping away fallen leaves with an old brush. Maintaining your backyard can take a lot of work when you […]


Trying Bikram Yoga in Woodstock Georgia

Do you find that travel makes you more adventurous?  I often notice that I’m far more willing to try things out of my comfort zone when I’m traveling, like Bikram Yoga. While some things, like anything to do with heights such as zip-lining, are still not going to make it to my list of must-try, […]

EXPLORE Travel Tips

Clever Ways to Display Your Vacation In Your Home Decor

Traveling and vacations are full of memories to cherish. Displaying your vacation in your home decor afterward can help enhance the experience, allowing you to continue enjoying the experience long after the trip has ended. Most commonly, we take photos and videos on our trips, but they are not always effectively managed when we get […]