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Making Your Home Functional: 3 Rules You Need To Follow

Have you ever considered the true value of a functional home? It’s not just about arranging spaces and layouts to suit your lifestyle; it’s about enhancing your daily life and making it more enjoyable. Imagine a home that effortlessly adapts to all ages, life stages, and lifestyles, allowing you to fully utilize your living space. […]


4 Things All Busy Moms Must Do to Stay Healthy

When you are a mom it’s a given that you will always be busy, there’s no way around that. However, no matter how much you have to do, make sure that you are making time to take care of yourself in every way possible.  This is not always easy especially if your children are young […]


Five Signs That Your Hearing Is Damaged

Your hearing is precious and if you’re fortunate to have it currently, you should do everything you can to keep it in good condition. Hearing is one of those senses that we don’t appreciate enough until it’s damaged, or gets worse. There are some clear signs that your hearing is damaged and needs addressing, whether […]


6 Tiny Things That Can Improve Your Health in a Big Way

Ever heard the saying, “It’s the little things in life”? Well, when it comes to your health, those little things really can make a huge difference. So, let’s take a look at some of them right now. Mini Meditations You might not think that closing your eyes and following your breath for 5- 10 minutes […]


What does “Organic” really mean?

In today’s markets, you see the term “organic” everywhere. But what does “organic” really mean? And is it worth the extra money to purchase organic items? The term “organic” can have different meanings depending on the context, but generally refers to something that is natural, free of synthetic chemicals, and produced without the use of […]

Home and Hearth SUSTAIN

5 Ways to Save Money When Installing Solar Panels

Thinking about adding solar technology to your home but worried about costs? There are several ways to save money when installing solar panels into your home. Look for government incentives: Many state and local governments offer incentives, such as tax credits or rebates, for homeowners who install solar panels. Check with your local energy companies, […]

Home and Hearth SUSTAIN

Ways to Save Money When Installing Geothermal Heating Systems

Geothermal heating is a type of heating system that uses the natural heat of the earth to warm a building. It works by utilizing the stable temperature of the earth, which remains relatively constant throughout the year, to heat a building in the winter and cool it in the summer. A geothermal heating system typically […]

Home and Hearth SUSTAIN

5 Reasons Why You Should Consider Geothermal Heating

Are you considering installing Geothermal heating to your new or existing home? Geothermal heating is certainly gaining in popularity due to it’s unique energy-efficient system. Geothermal heating uses the natural heat of the earth to warm  your home. These systems are highly efficient and can significantly reduce energy consumption and heating costs. There are many […]


Downsizing for a Long-Distance Move: Tips for Simplifying Your Life

Key Takeaways: Downsizing can significantly reduce moving expenses and the stress of unpacking. A systematic approach to sorting items can clarify what truly adds value to your life. The sale or donation of unwanted items can be financially rewarding and personally fulfilling. Familiarizing yourself with an efficient packing strategy ensures a smoother transition to your […]