Strangers Surprised by an Unusual Reminder to Care #ShowYouCare

Have you ever been on the giving or receiving end of a random act of kindness?  Then, like me, you know exactly how great it feels to catch the spirit of positivity and joy!

Strangers Surprised by an Unusual Reminder to Care #ShowYouCare

Imagine a world where we share random acts of kindness each and every day.  The company that brought you viral video sensation Kid President and the “Kitten Therapy” street stunt is partnering with Hershey’s Kisses chocolates with a vision to bring random acts of kindness to the forefront in our lives.

Their inspiring and joyful initiative is catalyzing meaningful conversation throughout the country for “Strangers Surprised by an Unusual Reminder to Care”.  Premiering today, exclusively on, “Strangers Surprised by an Unusual Reminder to Care” is hosted on SoulPancake’s YouTube channel, where viewers catch passers-by being surprised by a reminder to share acts of kindness.

Check it out:

The unscripted video documents handheld multicolored foil parachutes floating down from the top of a busy shopping center. Attached to the parachutes are cards in the shape of Hershey’s Kisses chocolates with a prompt encouraging the recipient to #ShowYouCare. SoulPancake’s cameras were onsite to capture the organic reactions of the participants and their sincere gestures of kindness including group hugs, dancing and plenty of high-fives.

SoulPancake and Hershey Kisses chocolates are taking this movement to various cities across the country with impromptu parachute drops in Los Angeles, New York, Nashville, Portland and Miami throughout the week. The effect will be contagious as people are extending an extra loving hand to those around them.
Strangers Surprised by an Unusual Reminder to Care #ShowYouCare
SoulPancake and Hershey’s Kisses chocolates are encouraging people to show they care by using #ShowYouCare on social media to acknowledge a kind act, pay a compliment, or give a virtual high-five in the hopes that their friends do the same.
Each #ShowYouCare post helps to spread the message of kindness and joy across America and beyond.

For more information on SoulPancake and “Strangers Surprised by an Unusual Reminder to Care”, visit  For more information on Hershey’s Kisses Chocolates, visit,

We are personally joining the awesome #ShowYouCare movement and hope that you will, too.  Each act of kindness makes our world a brighter place!
Strangers Surprised by an Unusual Reminder to Care #ShowYouCare

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Barb Webb. Founder and Editor of Rural Mom, is an the author of "Getting Laid" and "Getting Baked". A sustainable living expert nesting in Appalachian Kentucky, when she’s not chasing chickens around the farm or engaging in mock Jedi battles, she’s making tea and writing about country living and artisan culture.
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    • Brooke of Passport Couture
    • September 29, 2015

    The world is definitely lacking in kindness, so it’s nice to see people and organizations that want to change that perception. It’s easy to ignore one another and unfortunately people have a hard time trusting one other, so it’s refreshing to see changes diverting away from this.

    • Rose M.
    • September 29, 2015

    Truly wonderful! I hope everyone participates and this takes off like wildfire!

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