5 Natural Ways to Reduce Stress and Boost Your Immune System

COVID-19 is a hot topic right now and short of scrubbing your hands thoroughly every chance you have, what else can you do? Boosting your immune system and reducing stress in your life (which also has a direct impact on the health of your immune system) is a great place to start.

Between demands at work, crazy extra curricular activity schedules for the kids, and all the other pressures of modern life, it’s no wonder that stress relief is big business. Of course, you don’t need a pharmacy to get some relaxation, you just need to take advantage of the best immune support supplements and what nature provides.

5 Natural Ways to Reduce Stress and Boost Your Immune System

Seek Sunlight

Sunlight does more than give you a tan; it can brighten your mood thereby reducing stress as well.

Vitamin D is has mood-boosting properties, and getting more sunlight into your system will help your body manufacture more of it. Get outside and enjoy the sun (just maybe not in a super public place and avoid contact with crowds to reduce your chance of getting or spreading the Coronavirus.)

Eat Your Fruits & Veggies

Your diet has an amazing impact on the stress and anxiety you may feel. It also directly affects your immune system.

Choose whole foods like fruits and vegetables, rather than highly processed foods. Processed foods contain massive amount of chemicals, sugars and salts that your body cannot properly digest. This in turn, makes your whole system sluggish.

Also, add more B Vitamin rich foods to your diet, such as:

• Milk • Whole grains, • Beans • Fish, • Chicken, • Eggs • Green leafy vegetables • Sweet potatoes • Strawberries • Bananas • Citrus fruits

Brew Herbal Teas

Certain herbal teas can provide calming effects that will help you unwind.

Chamomile is a soothing tea that will help to settle you in for a good night’s sleep if consumed in the evening. It’s also proven to be helpful when you need to boost your immune system.

Skullcap is a tea that works to relieve anxiety, irritability and nervous tension. This can help with premenstrual syndrome episodes as well as normal stressful feelings.

Valerian tea is one of the strongest-acting of the herbal teas and can help you feel more relaxed. It provides relief from insomnia, anxiety and helps you get a deep, restful sleep.

Walk More

Getting out into an environment where you can commune with nature, leaving all the stresses of the “real” world behind can do wonders. Even if it’s only a short 15-minute jaunt through the nearest park, just the act of taking that time away and focusing on nothing but enjoying your surroundings will wash away the stress.

If you are able to get away for a longer period to a more secluded space, such as a wooded area or lake, you can absorb the natural energies from these peaceful places. This provides much comfort and satisfaction so you return to your routine refreshed and relaxed and ready to face the day.

Rest, rest, rest!

Getting enough rest is one of the biggest factors in helping cope with stress and warding off infectious diseases. When you don’t get enough sleep your body isn’t able to repair and regenerate itself, breaking down your health and well-being.

If you have a hard time relaxing enough to fall sleep, try relaxation techniques, such as yoga or meditation or drinking any one of the teas above.

Turning off all devices and totally unplugging at least an hour before you want to sleep can help your mind relax, as well. Drink a glass of warm milk and lay down with a good book and you will be snoozing in no time.

The most important thing when dealing with stress is to find out what works for you. If you don’t find it right away keep trying until you do. Stress is destructive to your life and your immune system.

Despite your best efforts, you may still get sick. However, your vigilance in finding natural relief will work wonders. You may shorten the length and severity of an infection when your body and immune system are strong.

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Barb Webb. Founder and Editor of Rural Mom, is an the author of "Getting Laid" and "Getting Baked". A sustainable living expert nesting in Appalachian Kentucky, when she’s not chasing chickens around the farm or engaging in mock Jedi battles, she’s making tea and writing about country living and artisan culture.
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