Tips For Improving Your Self Confidence After You’ve Had A Baby

Having a baby creates a lot of changes for you, both mentally and physically. The act of actually being pregnant changes your body a lot and when this is coupled with actually having your child, it can feel like a big deal. You might find that you lose a bit of your sense of identity, wondering if you can wear certain clothes because “you’re a Mom now.” or perhaps just getting used to your new body and how it’s changed. No matter what it is, if you have lost some of your self-confidence once having a baby, you’re not alone. This is why we’ve put together some top tips for improving your self-confidence once you’ve brought a little one into your life. 

Go on a shopping trip

You’ve just spent the last nine months wearing maternity pants that go up to your armpits and feeling like a whale in the majority of what you’ve worn. So what better way to treat yourself and make yourself feel better about your post-birth body, than some new clothes? Plan a shopping trip, either solo or with your friends, where you can get yourself a nice new wardrobe – or just a few items – that you feel great in. This will help to boost your self esteem and you will appreciate treating yourself, after the last few months of buying maternity leggings, hospital bag items, and babygrows!

Tips For Improving Your Self Confidence After You've Had A Baby

Plan a date night 

While it can be hard to find time together once your new baby is here, it’s important you take time to still be a couple with your other half. Whether you find a babysitter to go out, or just get dressed up and cook up a storm at home or get a takeaway, putting aside some time to just spend together is a really great way to make you feel a bit more like yourself again. Get the candles out, cook something you love, and make an effort with your appearance to get dressed up – you’ll be happily surprised when you look in the mirror!

Tips For Improving Your Self Confidence After You've Had A Baby

Change up something about your appearance

If you are feeling low about yourself, sometimes you just need a change. It could be that you need a haircut, a manicure or you want to change up your style of glasses. The change doesn’t need to be big, but it can make a huge difference in how you feel about yourself. Maybe you’ve always wanted a nose piercing but never got around to doing it. Whatever it is, when you want to boost your self-confidence, this is a great way for you to do so. 

Tips For Improving Your Self Confidence After You've Had A Baby

Have a pamper day 

There is nothing quite like a pamper day to make you feel better about yourself once you have had a baby. This can be a pamper day at home or at a spa, leaving the baby with your other half or family member. Treat yourself to a massage, a pedicure, and a swim in a pool, leaving behind your stresses and just taking some time to really feel like you again.

Your body and mind have been through a lot, so just by unloading some of this stress can be a real help to you going forward. It can be hard to leave your baby if you’ve only recently had them, so you could choose to have your partner watch them at home, while you have some uninterrupted time. That way you’re near if needed, but also get a few hours of peace. You can have a long soak in a bubble bath, pop on a face mask, and drink a glass of fizz!

Tips For Improving Your Self Confidence After You've Had A Baby

Spend time doing what you love

When you become a Mom you can soon become embroiled in all that parenthood entails that your own wants, needs, and hobbies can take a backseat. Yet this doesn’t need to be the case. Instead, make sure you take a little time each week to do what you love. It might be reading a book, heading to the gym, or doing some painting.

Think about all of the things you enjoyed doing before you were a parent and set aside some time to do them. Guaranteed, it won’t necessarily be as easy as before, however, it is certainly possible for you to make time in your schedule. You’ll feel a lot better for it.

Tips For Improving Your Self Confidence After You've Had A Baby

Plan a fun night out with friends

As well as having a date night planned with your partner, you want to plan a fun night with friends. If you are a sociable person (or even if you aren’t!) you don’t want to stop seeing your friends just because you have had a baby. Plan a night where you can all get dressed fup, have dinner and go out, letting your hair down.

Really do what you can to make yourself feel like you again and have a great night without worrying about your little one. It doesn’t even need to be a late night, just being out and being yourself can really help boost your self confidence. 

Tips For Improving Your Self Confidence After You've Had A Baby

These are just a few fun things that you can do which can help you to improve your self-confidence once you have a baby. Becoming a Mom is a big, life-changing event, but it doesn’t mean that you need to lose yourself. So many people find they get a bit lost in how they feel they should be acting as opposed to how they actually want to.

It’s vital you don’t lose your own identity and keep in mind that just because you have a child, doesn’t mean the “non Mom” version of you isn’t in there somewhere. In fact, retaining your old personality, likes and habits can be a real game changer in making sure you are happy and content with your life. The last thing you want is to resent your beautiful little one because your life has been turned totally on its head. Have you recently become a Mom? If so, how have you dealt with a knock to your self confidence? Let us know in the comments below, we would love to hear from you.

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Barb Webb. Founder and Editor of Rural Mom, is an the author of "Getting Laid" and "Getting Baked". A sustainable living expert nesting in Appalachian Kentucky, when she’s not chasing chickens around the farm or engaging in mock Jedi battles, she’s making tea and writing about country living and artisan culture.
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