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21 Clever and Inexpensive Valentine’s Day Gift Ideas

Valentine’s Day is a time to celebrate love and affection for your significant other. While grand gestures are great, it is not always necessary to spend a lot of money to make your loved one feel special. Here are some clever and inexpensive Valentine’s Day gift ideas. Use them for inspiration to make your significant […]


10 Unique Ways to Incorporate Coffee into your Valentine’s Day Celebrations

At Rural Mom, coffee is our favorite food group (wink), so naturally, we are keen to add it to all our holiday celebrations! Hope you enjoy the 10 unique ways to incorporate coffee into your Valentine’s Day celebrations. Serve a Coffee-themed breakfast in bed: Start the day with a special coffee-themed breakfast in bed. Prepare […]


19 Fun Ways to Add Tea to Your Valentine’s Day Celebrations

Valentine’s Day is a time to celebrate love and affection with your significant other. Whether you’re a tea lover or not, incorporating tea into your Valentine’s Day celebrations can add a touch of elegance and sophistication to the day. Here are 19 unique ways to incorporate tea into your Valentine’s Day celebrations. Tea-themed brunch or […]


Warm and Comforting Vegetable Soup Recipe

Valentine’s Day is a special occasion to show love and appreciation to your significant other, friends, and family. Whether you’re looking to cook a romantic dinner or just want to enjoy a comforting meal together, a bowl of vegetable soup is a perfect option. Not only is it easy to make, but it’s also healthy, […]


What Can You Use Instead of Eggs?

Are current egg prices affecting your budget? Don’t sweat it! You can still make plenty of your favorite recipes that call for eggs, without using eggs. There are plenty of substitutes you can use instead of eggs. Eggs are a staple ingredient in many recipes, providing moisture, binding, and flavor to a variety of dishes. […]


What To Do When Egg Prices Are High

A hot topic today is definitely the skyrocketing price of eggs. When egg prices are high, it can be a challenge to maintain a healthy and budget-friendly diet. However, there are several things you can do when egg prices are high to save money and still enjoy eggs as part of your diet. Consider these tips […]

Home and Hearth SUSTAIN

How to Ensure Your Home is Ready to Deal with Storms

To protect your family and property, it is essential to stormproof your home. Storms can seriously harm homes and even result in power outages, making it challenging to get around in the aftermath. You can reduce damage and make sure you and your family stay safe during and after the storm by taking the necessary […]

Gardening SUSTAIN

10 Great Plants for Spring

The winter is a very long cold season for most of us and its time to start looking forward to the better weather. The best sign of Spring coming is flowers appearing in the garden and out in the fields. Now is the time to plan and order bulbs and plants for Spring. Below are […]

Gardening SUSTAIN

How to Make Sure Your Garden Survives the Winter

Gardens can struggle during the winter, but with a little forethought, you can make sure that your plants make it through the harsher weather. If you’re not sure where to start to ensure that’s the case, you’re in the right place. Here are some pointers to assist you in preparing your garden for the winter. […]