How To Get Fashion Right

Fashion might seem easy – you just buy whatever’s being advertised right now and what everyone else seems to be wearing, right? – but it’s actually harder to get right than you think. As for buying what everyone else is buying and what’s being advertised, that might not even be the right way to go about things either. So how can you get fashion right? What can you do? We’ve got some useful tips for you, so keep reading to find out more.

It Must Be Your Style

Checking out adverts and magazines and websites or seeing what various celebrities are wearing is a good start, and it will certainly help you understand what’s hot and what’s not right now, but it really is only the beginning, and it’s wise to think of this as research to form a foundation for what’s really going to be right for you when it comes to fashion. 

Notice we said ‘for you’. That’s the key. If you want to get fashion right, you must always take your personal style into account and use that as the main focus of whatever outfit you want to wear. That could take some time to work out, especially if you’ve been following fashion trends for a while now (so you might have lost sight of how you really like to dress and what makes you happiest), but that’s okay – fashion isn’t going anywhere, and making sure you’re happy with your choices, whether they’re up-to-the-minute or not, is vital. 

As well as making sure you’re happy and comfortable with the clothing choices you make, it’s also worth mentioning that whatever you wear will dictate how people are going to perceive you (that doesn’t mean they’re going to judge you, but it does mean they’ll take notice and perhaps even subconsciously have an idea about who you are), so you’ll need to consider that as well, at least a little. 

Get Some Standard Basics 

Not every item of clothing you own has to be the height of fashion – that’s tiring, time-consuming, and expensive (the latest trends tend to cost more, and because styles are always changing, you’ll need to replace them more often to stay up-to-date). That’s why it’s a wise idea to have some standard basics in your closet that can pair with any new item you might buy, ensuring that you only need to update your wardrobe once in a while, not all the time. 

Some of the things that can be ideal for your staple wardrobe items are a good pair of jeans (that really fit well), a classic white shirt or blouse, a little black (or any other color that works for you), dress like the ones from Hometown Heritage Boutique, and a tailored blazer, for example – but again, it needs to match with your style, and you need to actually like what you’re buying, otherwise there’s no point in having it. 

Once you’ve got some great staples in your wardrobe that you know you can wear for any occasion and with anything, that’s when you can start broadening your search and start adding more ‘of-the-moment’ pieces that you might not wear that often. If you’ve already got a good basic wardrobe to rely on, you’ll have more money to spend on the latest styles because all your other clothing needs will already be met. 

Fit Is Crucial

If you want to be fashionable and make sure you look great, there’s one thing you’ll always need to bear in mind – the fit. If something doesn’t fit well, it’s not going to look right, and there’s no getting around that fact, so the first thing you’ll need to do is understand your own body shape. You need clothes that are going to flatter your figure, and some are going to work better for some body shapes than others. So, do you have an hourglass, apple, pear, or rectangular body shape? There are sure to be fashions that look fabulous on each of these, but not knowing or not thinking about this in advance is a huge mistake because as great as things will look when you get it right, they’ll look equally as bad if you get it wrong. 

Take an hourglass shape, for example. If that’s you, you’ll want to wear clothes that really emphasize your waist, so you’ll want things that are nice and fitted. If you’re a pear shape, however, you’ll want things that will balance out your proportions, like an A-line skirt or wide-legged trousers. As you can see, knowing your body shape can make a real difference, and you’ll be able to choose clothes that aren’t just in style, but that also highlight your best assets. 

Think Of The Color

Picking clothes just because they’re fashionable is fine if that’s what you like, but don’t forget to think about the color of whatever you’re choosing. Firstly, you’ll want a color palette that complements your skin tone, otherwise the clothes (and your skin) aren’t going to look good. Then you’ll also want to pick colors that work with your style and personality – hopefully these things will match up. 

If you feel like you want to experiment with bold and bright colors, and that’s not something you would usually do, it’s often a good plan to have a neutral base to tone things down just a touch, otherwise you might not like the results as much as you thought you would. 

Are Trends Worthwhile? 

Those classic pieces we mentioned earlier are definitely the core of your wardrobe – or should be, anyway – and we did say that you could then go to town when it came to the trendiest items that were all the rage. The question is, however, should you? Is it really worth it if things are just going to change at any moment? 

Well, the answer has to come from you. If you’re really into fashion and you love choosing new clothes, then yes, it will be worthwhile. If you’re not and you just like wearing what you like wearing and don’t want to follow any trends, then it won’t be worthwhile. So which side are you on? 

Assuming you do feel buying trendy items is worthwhile, it’s wise to do it carefully. Buying too many things in one style is a recipe for disaster because you’ll never get to wear half of them before you replace them with the next big thing. Buy just a few pieces, and you can wear them over and over (with your classic staples) and make much more use of them, making your money go further.

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Barb Webb. Founder and Editor of Rural Mom, is an the author of "Getting Laid" and "Getting Baked". A sustainable living expert nesting in Appalachian Kentucky, when she’s not chasing chickens around the farm or engaging in mock Jedi battles, she’s making tea and writing about country living and artisan culture.
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