On The Set of Mystery Girls #ABCFamilyEvent #MysteryGirls

On The Set of Mystery Girls #ABCFamilyEvent #MysteryGirls
Mom Bloggers on the set of MYSTERY GIRLS (Can you spot me? I’m 6th from the left in the back row.) Photo credit: Eric McCandless

We arrived at ABC Studios bristling with excitement.  Many of us giddy from the thought that we were about to experience our very first live taping of a show.  Others, entered with star-studded eyes, knowing we’d soon be in the presence of two very talented tv icons, Tori Spelling and Jennie Garth.  Not even the “quiet on set,” could contain the vibrant energy that filled the studio as twenty-five media-savvy bloggers settled into the audience.

I fall into both categories.  Though I’ve been on movie sets before, I’ve never had the fortune to experience the behind-the-scenes action of a television studio. I also grew up with Tori and Jennie during their days on 90210.  Double the excitement, double the fun of seeing them in their new sitcom adventure, MYSTERY GIRLS.

On The Set of Mystery Girls #ABCFamilyEvent #MysteryGirls
MYSTERY GIRLS, Photo Credit: Craig Sjodin

After brushing off the initial glitz and sparkle of all things Hollywood, I settled into observing the buzz and hum of the studio set.  Despite the amount of people involved from camera men to directors, fill-ins and actors, everything had a rhythm and flow – a strange and interesting dance that worked seamlessly as one might find in the inner-workings of a well-humming cappuccino machine. Steam-pressured with the perfect amount of froth!

On The Set of Mystery Girls #ABCFamilyEvent #MysteryGirls
Peek at behind the scenes of MYSTERY GIRLS, Photo credit: Barb Webb

I must confess at this point, that the first time I saw MYSTERY GIRLS was during a viewing the evening before we landed on the set of the ABC Family show.  This very clever sitcom had me in stitches but I wasn’t as nearly invested in the show until I saw first-hand the amount of work and expertise that goes into every scene.

Each actor/actress invests heart and soul into every take, working diligently to produce the flawless performance delivered to your television set each week.  (MYSTERY GIRLS airs at 8:30pm ET/PT Wednesdays on ABC Family.) As a professional writer, I can relate to the constant editing of each scene, but still… I work at a desk pounding a keyboard, these actors must physically be in the moment constantly editing their movements, expressions, lines and overall presence constantly.  No easy task and I certainly have a new respect for their stamina on set!

On The Set of Mystery Girls #ABCFamilyEvent #MysteryGirls
MYSTERY GIRLS monitor, Photo Credit: Barb Webb

After the thrill of seeing the life taping, we were allowed to explore the set, which was great fun.  I captured a quick shot (above) of how our frivolous fun would appear on the studio monitor.  Beginning to think we may just have the start of a brilliant show!

We also had the distinct thrill of having time to sit down with Tori Spelling (Holly,) Jennie Garth (Charlie,) and Miguel Pinzon (Nick.)  You can catch all the details from that interview here: https://ruralmom.com/2014/07/interview-with-tori-spelling-jennie.html

The moments on the set of MYSTERY GIRLS piled up like cord wood in winter.  From viewing the action and intensity of the acting and camera work to catching a glimpse of the dressing room and ending with the amazing encounter with Michael Lembeck, who was directing the episode we observed.

For those not acquainted with Michael Lembeck, you can find his extensive body of work as an actor, director and producer on his IMDb profile.  Sufficed to say, this is a talent I’ve loved since his days on “One Day At A Time,” and he certainly brings a wealth of knowledge and warmth to the set of MYSTERY GIRLS.

On The Set of Mystery Girls #ABCFamilyEvent #MysteryGirls
Michael Lembeck and me. What a moment! (Photo credit: Barb Webb)

MYSTERY GIRLS stars Tori Spelling as Holly, Jennie Garth as Charlie and Miguel Pinzon as Nick.  The basic premise of the comedy is the relationship between two former television stars (Holly and Charlie) who reunite to solve real crimes with the aid of their vivacious assistant (Nick.) The show is light-hearted humor with a whole lot of heart.  If you are looking for a fun way to de-stress the day with glitz and laughter, MYSTERY GIRLS is the show to tune into.

This week, tune in at 8:30pm ET/PT on ABC Family”Joe E. Tata (“Nat of “Beverly Hills, 90210”) will guest star on Wednesday’s (7/23) episode.

For more MYSTERY GIRLS mayhem, check out their Facebook page: www.facebook.com/MysteryGirlsonABCFamily
Twitter: twitter.com/MysteryGirls
and Instagram: instagram.com/MysteryGirls

On The Set of Mystery Girls #ABCFamilyEvent #MysteryGirls
Bloggers outside MYSTERY GIRLS studio. Photo Credit: Eric McCandless

Disclosure:  I received an exclusive trip courtesy of Disney to attend various events including the set visit to MYSTERY GIRLS.  I’m under no obligation to report anything other than my personal experience, thoughts and opinions.  

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Barb Webb. Founder and Editor of Rural Mom, is an the author of "Getting Laid" and "Getting Baked". A sustainable living expert nesting in Appalachian Kentucky, when she’s not chasing chickens around the farm or engaging in mock Jedi battles, she’s making tea and writing about country living and artisan culture.
Watering Made Easy with LeakFree Watering System #Gardening #DIY Interview with Tori Spelling, Jennie Garth and Miguel Pinzon #MysteryGirls #ABCFamilyEvent


    • Talking with Tami
    • July 23, 2014

    Loved your write up here, hope we meet up again!

      • Barb Webb
      • July 24, 2014

      Thanks Tami! I loved meeting you at the event and hope we meet up again soon, as well!

    • Daisy B
    • July 23, 2014

    That is so cool that you got to see this up close! I can’t wait to see this show – it looks like it will be a good one. Heading over to read about the interview that you did with Tori and the others now….

      • Barb Webb
      • July 24, 2014

      Awesome, thanks Daisy! It was a pretty cool experience getting this type of insight. Still in awe of how much goes on behind the scenes!

    • GayNYCDad
    • July 23, 2014

    Wow, what an awesome experience we all had!

      • Barb Webb
      • July 24, 2014

      Truly was, Mitch! And that much more as we got to spend it together 🙂

    • Linda Kinsman
    • July 25, 2014

    I’m a bit awe struck that you and other bloggers got to go on set of this show. You brought to life the work ethic and personal dedication of the actors to get each shot just right. Thanks for the behind the scenes coverage.

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