Interview with Tori Spelling, Jennie Garth and Miguel Pinzon #MysteryGirls #ABCFamilyEvent

Interview with Tori Spelling, Jennie Garth and Miguel Pinzon #MysteryGirls #ABCFamilyEvent
Tori Spelling and Jennie Garth.  Photo Credit: Eric McCandless

Remember these two girls?  I certainly do! Whether you grew up here in the farming hills of the Appalachian range or on the hustle-and-bustle sidewalks of the big city, if you were watching television in the late 1990’s, chances are you had it tuned to 90210.  Well, two of our favorite crew are back again, this time in a delightfully humorous new sitcom, MYSTERY GIRLS (ABC Family, Wednesdays 8:30 pm ET/PT)

While visiting the set of MYSTERY GIRLS (more about that here: our mom blogger group had the amazing opportunity to sit down with Tori Spelling, Jennie Garth and their co-star, Miguel Pinzon for some candid interview time.

Now, I’d love to tell you that I wasn’t giddy when Tori and Jennie sat down merely twenty feet away from me, or that I didn’t feel an over-whelming sense of awe to be in the presence of two mega-stars I’ve loved watching for so long, but that wouldn’t be the truth.  In truth, I was a like a caterpillar on cabbage, happy, sassy and eager for every morsel they would deliver!

Tori Spelling and Jennie Garth.  Photo Credit: Eric McCandless
Tori Spelling and Jennie Garth.  Photo Credit: Eric McCandless

Tori first shared with us that the idea for MYSTERY GIRLS stemmed from an idea she had while filming an ABC Family Christmas movie.

“I knew they were looking for comedies and I used to be a huge fan of mysteries in the eighties and my dad’s shows and I loved Remington Steele,” said Spelling.
I just wanted to pair that with comedy.”

Pair it, she did, in a clever way with long-time pal, Jennie Garth.

“I was praying that she would wanna do it,” said Spelling.  “And when I thought of the idea, I was like no one else could do this.”

Spelling emailed Garth with the idea and the amazing scrip, the rest came easy for both super-stars.

“You know we know each other very well we’re past all the, the awkward getting to know each other,” said Garth. “We kind of know e-each other’s ups and downs, when we need space, when we need comforting… we’re very familiar with each other already so we already have that built in chemistry as actresses.”

Interview with Tori Spelling, Jennie Garth and Miguel Pinzon #MysteryGirls #ABCFamilyEvent
Tori Spelling and Jennie Garth.  Photo Credit: Eric McCandless

As the interview went on, the chemistry between the long-time friends and actresses was just as apparent off-screen as on.  They have the natural ease you find with good friends, the ones you know will be there through thick and thin and still stand strong with you until the very end.

“Anyone can do a female buddy comedy, but I feel like the chemistry, like the bond we have, over twenty years of a friendship, you can’t replace that,” said Spelling. “I don’t feel like anyone else could really have that back story.”

The magic and strength of their off-screen friendship translates to magic onscreen and sometimes mimics their relationship.

“In real life very trusting of everyone,” said Spelling.  “I go into everything kind of full force and I don’t really take into consideration, you know, what’s going on… (in) our friendship, Jen always kinda steps in and protects me over the years. And I feel like that’s what Charlie and Holly are like too.”

In addition to their personal friendship chemistry, Spelling and Garth have added a third partner to the mix, Miguel Pinzon who plays Nick, their vibrant assistant on MYSTERY GIRLS.

“He’s a lot of fun,” said Garth. “He’s our third mystery girl. He completes us.”

For Pizon, this is his first regular series and the first time he’s acted on a three-camera comedy set.

“I went to theater school so this is like a bizarre hybrid of it where there is a live component of it,” said Pinzon.  “But at the same time you get to do it again, which is awesome which happens all the time. And you get to do like variations like different ideas, like tweak little jokes here and there. So I love doing three camera comedy. It’s a different world…you can be more heightened.”

Interview with Tori Spelling, Jennie Garth and Miguel Pinzon #MysteryGirls #ABCFamilyEvent
Miguel Pinzon.  Not sure which line I’m laughing at here, he’s full of fabulous humor! Photo Credit: Eric McCandless

On working with Spelling and Garth, Pinzon says their fan base in incredible and incredibly supportive.

“It’s amazing to see their (Spelling and Garth’s) shorthand,” said Pinzon. “There’s this ongoing joke that they have in the script of the characters which is like are you thinking what I’m thinking? And then usually Holly’s (Tori’s) character will say something completely off the mark and that’s always where the joke is. But they actually often are thinking what the other one is thinking. I just sort of love seeing how collaborative they are and the fact that they’re not only acting on it but are executive producers.”

Pinzon loves the authenticity of his character and the playful color palette of the show.  His favorite episode to date is the pilot of the series.

“I really love…the first time meeting the two girls,” says Pinzon. “Like any time someone gives you the allowance to like into the room like a hurricane and chew up scenery I’m a fan of. And that scene is so fun because it’s like me that initial explosion of like meeting your idols and like the goose bumps that you get from it.”

Interview with Tori Spelling, Jennie Garth and Miguel Pinzon #MysteryGirls #ABCFamilyEvent
Miguel Pinzon.  Photo Credit: Eric McCandless

The chemistry between the dynamic trio in MYSTERY GIRLS clearly contributes to the rich experience the audience receives when watching each episode. We believe in these characters because they fully invest into their relationships on screen and off.  We root for them because they are already rooting for each other.  Friendship is alive and thriving on the set of MYSTERY GIRLS! 

If you are looking for a credible, bouncy and buoyant show to dive into, catch MYSTERY GIRLS Wednesdays at 8:30 pm ET/PT on ABC Family.   

Want to know more about this amazing cast of characters and delightful new ABC Family show? You’ll find oodles of information on: 


and the Official ABC Family “Mystery Girls” website:

Interview with Tori Spelling, Jennie Garth and Miguel Pinzon #MysteryGirls #ABCFamilyEvent
Joking on set with Miguel Pinzon, what an experience! Photo Credit: Barb Webb

Disclosure:  I received an exclusive trip courtesy of Disney to attend various events including the set visit to MYSTERY GIRLS.  I’m under no obligation to report anything other than my personal experience, thoughts and opinions.  

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Barb Webb. Founder and Editor of Rural Mom, is an the author of "Getting Laid" and "Getting Baked". A sustainable living expert nesting in Appalachian Kentucky, when she’s not chasing chickens around the farm or engaging in mock Jedi battles, she’s making tea and writing about country living and artisan culture.
On The Set of Mystery Girls #ABCFamilyEvent #MysteryGirls Food Waste and Freegans


    • Daisy B
    • July 23, 2014

    That must have been so exciting to be there for this interview! It’s funny that Tori and Jennie said that they already know each other and are past that awkward stage, so they know how to work well together with their chemistry and experience together. I hadn’t thought about that, but that makes sense. I’m really excited to see this show!

      • Barb Webb
      • July 24, 2014

      It truly was a memorable moment! The stars are so lovely in real life, too, what a delight! You will love the show, it’s so much fun!

    • Frugal and Fun Mom
    • July 24, 2014

    WOW, that is awesome meeting Celebrities. What a neat experience, and the show sounds really cute. I like the ABC Family Network A LOT!

      • Barb Webb
      • July 24, 2014

      I’m now an even bigger fan of ABC Family than I ever was. Amazing what goes into putting these quality shows together!

    • Linda Kinsman
    • July 25, 2014

    I was a huge fan of 90210 back in the day too, so I couldn’t wait to get over here and see what you thought about meeting Tori and Jennie in person!
    Awesome, interview, awesome pictures, just flat out awesome that they are still friends and are going to work together again. Can’t wait to watch it.

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