With every major debate, there will always be variant issues. Certainly today’s hot topics of gun control, health reform, and taxes in the United States certainly hit a nerve with many and there are strong opinions on all sides of the fences.
I’ll be the first to admit that when I open my Facebook account, I don’t like to read or be bombarded with images or opinions that may differ from my own or those that offered a highly exaggerated version of the topic in attempt to make a point. But, I respect the rights of the individuals who are expressing their opinions and consciously practice tolerance because above all, I value freedom of expression.
Lately, I’ve tried to use my freedom of expression in a more positive way by committing to addressing global issues in hopes of calling others to action, too. Which is why I say “No Mas” to Passivity!
I believe strongly that we must use our voices, our talents, our inventiveness and every possibly resource available to us to stand up and make a positive difference in our world. It’s so easy to go about our daily lives, to be passive, to be comfortable with inaction… but what change will we ever be able to effect if we allow passivity to be the norm?
Change can start with two simple words…”No mas!”
Use your voice, use your power, use your freedom of expression! You can create a “No Mas” badge of your own to display and share, but most importantly you can take additional action to help change lives.
Relish, cherish, and use your access and opportunity to exercise your rights to freedom of expression. Not everyone is so lucky to have these freedoms…
Today, people are being imprisoned, threatened or even killed for expressing themselves, such as Nabeel Rajab who was imprisoned for Tweeting or Marcos Máiquel Lima Cruz who was imprisoned for listening to hip hop music whose lyrics criticize the lack of freedom of expression in Cuba.
To this we must say “No Mas” to Censorship! No Mas Silence!
If you want to take immediate action, You can say “No Mas” to Oppression by signing the petitions to free Nabeel Rajab and Máiquel Lima Cruz. Our voices collectively can help change the injustice.
Whether it’s offering a donation, practicing tolerance of others, giving a kind hand or a smile to a stranger, actively working on an issue that you feel passionate about – there are so many simple ways to say “No Mas” to Passivity.
What will you say, “No Mas” to today?

Thanks to Participant Media for sponsoring today’s discussion. All thoughts and opinions are that of Rural Mom.
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I say No Mas! to bullying! It’s time victims speak out.
I say No Mas to discrimination against the elderly.