Achieve Your Organizing Goals with Chore Charts

A week into January and I still can’t seem to get our family routine on track, let alone recover from holiday clean-up and finding storage home for gifts and goodies.  Sound familiar? 
Then the Chore Chart might offer some well-needed support for you, too, read on…
I’d love to claim to be a super organized mom who is on top of every task and activity, but nope, it isn’t so.  I struggle to keep my personal family calendar, chore list, work tasks, and schedule straight –  let alone involve my family in a productive sense.  Working on it as a priority this year, though, now happy to say I see the desk beneath the clutter already.
As I’ve made a bit of progress in cleaning up my organizational act, I also want to encourage my children to adopt healthier habits.  Plus, they are (sigh…) growing up and it is time to give them more responsibility on a regular basis.
So when first introduced to the Goal For It website, I felt inspired and instantly new this would be a terrific tool to help me succeed.  The Goal Setting methods and tracker offered a great start for my personal system, but from a family-involvement stand-point, I was tickled to find the free Chore Charts.
A Chore Chart is a tool to help you organize your child’s responsibilities and clearly communicate your expectations – that can be customized with fun backgrounds with suitable tasks for children, tweens, and even teens. 
The process to create a Chore Chart is amazingly simple… and I warn you, it may be highly addictive, too as there are so many options to chose from, you could literally wallpaper their room… and well, that would likely defeat the purpose, aye?
You can add chores and responsibilities, behavior goals, healthy habits, or create your own custom options.  I decided to create a few simple (yet helpful) daily responsibilities and to add a couple healthy habits I want to encourage. 
So far, it’s a hit!  My Rural Boys really like having a personal tracker that’s easy to comprehend and I believe it made them feel special.  They commented that they felt it would be easy-peasy, scowled a little at the teeth-brushing reminders (ha!) and ultimately agreed that they would like to add some more chores and that they would come up with them (gotta love that!) 
Overall, I feel a wave of relief knowing that a few daily bases are covered and I feel great knowing that the boys appreciated having their responsibilities spelled out and now have a fun way to keep track of their contributions to our family success.
Create your Chore Charts at  
Disclosure:  This is a sponsored post for GoalForIt, via my participation with Mom Select.  All thoughts and opinions are honestly represented and are my own. 

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Barb Webb. Founder and Editor of Rural Mom, is an the author of "Getting Laid" and "Getting Baked". A sustainable living expert nesting in Appalachian Kentucky, when she’s not chasing chickens around the farm or engaging in mock Jedi battles, she’s making tea and writing about country living and artisan culture.
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    • Sheri Carpenter
    • January 8, 2012

    Chore Charts are a huge thing in my house. They really work to keep everyone organized and on track.

    • Clancy Cash Harrison MS, RD, LDN
    • January 8, 2012

    I look forward to your charts…any for a toddler?

    • East9thStreet
    • January 8, 2012

    I need a chore chart for myself! Its hard to tell my daughter to do one thing when I’m not setting the example for her at times. 🙂

    • Greta
    • January 8, 2012

    Ha! I think we could all use chore charts! Who isn’t motivated by a gold star sticker?

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