Rural Mom Really Useful Weekly Web Picks- Black Friday

Each week we’re bringing you some really useful and/or interesting web things we’ve encountered. Chances are if we’ve found it useful, so will you – in which case, we think it’s just plain neighborly to share!  Hope you enjoy this week’s picks:

I’m keeping my mind on Thanksgiving and all that I’m thankful for, but I can’t help but get excited about the day after… Black Friday.  It’s not so much about the deals (though, they’re certainly nice!) and I can live without the mayhem… it’s an activity I look forward to as it’s a fun family event.  We shop and help eachother find our “wants”, then we enjoy a hearty breakfast together after. 

If you’d like to get a head start on the bargains and plotting out your Black Friday adventures, you might find these websites particularly enjoyable:

1) BF Ads This is one of my go-to websites as they generally have the ads and info up quickly and I like the ease of navigation.  They already have a lot of ads up for your perusal.

2) Fat Wallet If there’s a coupon or discount to be found, you’ll likely find it here.  Also, you’ll want to consider joining their forums- there are some super savvy folks there who truly know how to spot a bargain!

3) Ebates If you are shopping online and not shopping through eBates… why?  There are other point and shopping programs out there, but I’m a serious eBates fan because they pay cash and they pay promptly!  eBates is also offering plenty of double cash-back offers throughout the holidays (for example instead of getting a 3% rebate, you can get a 6% kick-back from your favorite retailer.) 

Do you have a favorite Black Friday website?  Please share with us in the Comments section below!

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Barb Webb. Founder and Editor of Rural Mom, is an the author of "Getting Laid" and "Getting Baked". A sustainable living expert nesting in Appalachian Kentucky, when she’s not chasing chickens around the farm or engaging in mock Jedi battles, she’s making tea and writing about country living and artisan culture.
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