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EXPLORE Travel Tips

10 Essentials You Should Have in Your Winter Driving Emergency Kit

January 28, 2022

With snow draped mountains and valleys winter is a beautiful wonderland. Winter can also be a time of icy roads, slushy driving conditions, and blackouts in isolated areas. It’s important to keep your vehicle winter ready before the cold season hits, including putting together a winter driving emergency kit. Being prepared in case of an […]


Farmhouse Interior Design Tips

January 25, 2022

It doesn’t matter what style of home you are currently in, you might have a love for the rustic style that is associated with the farmhouse.  Farmhouse chic has been around for years and can be one of the most relaxing and enjoyable interiors to have in the home. Farmhouse interiors have the feeling of […]

EXPLORE International Travel

Switzerland in Three Days

January 22, 2022

What do you do when you have limited time to visit a bucket list location? When I had the chance to visit Switzerland for three days, I initially balked at the short window of time. I couldn’t envision how we could possibly truly experience the culture with only seventy-two hours to spare. I wasn’t just […]

EXPLORE Travel Tips

How To Stay Cool In Dry Heat

January 20, 2022

Planning your winter vacation? While it’s great to escape to a warmer destination, you may easily find yourself contending with how to stay cool in dry heat conditions. If you are not prepared for it, dry heat can really take a toll on your body.  During my travels through New Mexico, I found that I […]


Quick Guide to Buying Antiques

January 20, 2022

Antiques are items with a lot of history. Most antique dealers use the term to refer to items over 100 years old, although it is sometimes used loosely to refer to other historic items that are not as old. There are a few different reasons as to why people buy antiques. You could consider buying […]


Amanda Seyfried discusses A MOUTHFUL OF AIR and Postpartum Depression

January 18, 2022

A MOUTHFUL OF AIR opned in theaters in 2021 and is now available on Digital and On-Demand on Prime, iTunes, Vudu, DirecTV & Comcast. Director and author of the novel “A Mouthful of Air,” Amy Koppelman. made the film hoping to open a line of communication about postpartum depression. This artistic film is tool Koppelman […]


A Mouthful of Air #AMouthfulofAirMovie

January 18, 2022

Have you ever sat in the closet or bathroom and cried just so your child wouldn’t have to witness your tears? The responsibilities of motherhood can be incredibly overwhelming to new moms and seasoned moms alike. At times like this it’s easy to feel you are all alone. That you are failing as a mother. […]


The Advantages of Forestry Mulching

January 14, 2022

Forestry mulching is one of the best ways to tame the woods when they have become too wild. These areas have been known to experience weed overgrowth and soil deterioration if they are not properly taken care of. This is where forestry mulching in Virginia comes into play. By controlling the unwanted growth and deterioration of wooded […]

Home and Hearth SUSTAIN

5 Ways To Improve Your Garden Aesthetic

January 11, 2022

Many people love to spend time outside, and it’s even more enjoyable if you have a lovely garden. With a little work, your garden can look better than ever before. In this blog post, I will share five ways that will help make your garden look more aesthetic! Add Flowers Adding flowers is a great […]


How Can Parents Practice Better Self Care?

January 11, 2022

There is no denying that being a parent is the most difficult job out there. It doesn’t matter whether you have one child or 10; you will have challenging and stressful times. One thing you need to do is make some time to look after yourself. This is something a lot of parents don’t do. […]


5 Bedroom Improvements That Will Improve Your Mood

January 11, 2022

We spend at least 8 hours a day in our bedroom, so it’s only fair to alter the feel and look of your room every 6 months. Contrary to popular assumptions, changing furniture, organizing, and modernizing bedroom improvements are inexpensive and simple. Use these five simple methods to modernize your bedroom and make it more […]


12 Tips For Getting Your Teen Ready to for University Life

January 10, 2022

As a parent, you want to make sure your children have all the help they need when they go away to university. It’s something we tend to think about in their final year of high school. However, often isn’t considered at any other time beforehand. When my oldest son started college, we were not prepared. […]