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How Humor Keeps You Healthy

January 9, 2022

Humor has a way of helping people live a healthier and more meaningful life. In particular, humor can help reduce stress and make you feel genuinely happier. Right now, we could all use a little more laughter! One of the refreshing things about travel is the experience generally makes you smile. You lighten up. The […]


Natural Ways to Boost Your Energy Level

January 8, 2022

Do you get tired and listless during the middle of the day and wish you could lie down and take a nap? If so, there are a few quick ways to boost your energy level throughout the day. Use these ideas to help you find the pep you need to carry out your daily tasks […]

EXPLORE Travel Tips

3 Tips For Reducing Travel Eating Costs

January 7, 2022

Want to learn more about local cuisine during your travels? Afraid your budget will interfere with your foodie curiousity? These tips for reducing travel eating costs will save you money and increase your knowledge of the area. Eating while vacationing is expensive. Here are some fun tips that will not only save you money but […]


4 Signs You Should Quit Your Career And Start A Business

January 6, 2022

The world tells us that we have to remain small people and never really access the power that we keep within. But that’s just a ploy. The truth is that almost everyone has the capacity to do something great in this world. For some, it’s family, for others, it’s art. And for some, it is […]


How To Calm Your Anxiety

January 5, 2022

One of the hardest things to do, especially as a parent, is to get rid of feelings of anxiety. Anxiety can be all consuming. It can take over your life, your day, yoru very ability to be able to breathe in some cases. Living with anxiety is hard, but millions of people are doing it […]


10 Types of Cocktail Glasses You Should Consider for Your Home Bar

January 5, 2022

When you are entertaining friends or just want to relax at home, it’s always nice when you have the right tools for the job. A good cocktail is a great way to celebrate with friends and family, but there is more than one type of glassware that will do the trick. Here are 8 types of cocktail […]


Reliving Our Wonder Years at the Carolina Opry

January 2, 2022

Music influences our lives in magical ways.   Songs have the power to evoke emotional responses or even trigger memories, bringing us right back to a moment, most often a moment in time we truly treasure.  Enjoying the “Time Warp” show at the Carolina Opry Theater in Myrtle Beach did just that.  We were zapped right […]

ENRICH Health Travel Tips

Memory Tricks You Can Use While Traveling

December 31, 2021

Some days, I can hardly recall why I walked into the kitchen, let alone the details of my upcoming trip!  For the majority of us, with aging comes a tad of forgetfulness or a bit of a slow-down in our memory recall abilities. The good news – you can learn simple and easy ways to […]


6 Tips for Discovering Your Life’s Purpose

December 30, 2021

Common among us is the drive to find life purpose. Every personal development plan can benefit from activities designed to uncover and clarify life’s purpose. The purpose driven life, we are told, is worth seeking.  Numerous research studies indicate that those with meaning and purpose in their lives are generally happier.  They are more productive, […]


5 Safety Tips for Yoga Class

December 29, 2021

Traveling inspires us to try new adventures. Last year, I had the opportunity to participate in a hot yoga class in Woodstock, Georgia. It was a wonderful, rewarding experience but also one that gave me pause. I was concerned if there were any safety tips for yoga class that I should know. Indeed, there are […]


How To Make Your Tired Old Bedroom Feel Brand New

December 23, 2021

If your bedroom is looking a little old and tired, then don’t just stand there, feeling sorry for yourself. Do something about it. Because the bedroom is actually quite a simple room, it is relatively easy to change up. You don’t have to install any particularly expensive equipment or do complicated plumbing. Instead, most of […]

EXPLORE Kentucky

The Most Magical Christmas Towns in Kentucky

December 20, 2021

Are you looking for the most magical Christmas towns in Kentucky? Lucky for us, the holiday spirit is alive throughout the state so no need to go far to find yourself enjoying some of the most magical Christmas towns in Kentucky.   As a matter of fact, there are several towns and cities here in Kentucky […]