4 Checkups You Might Not Have Considered For Your Child

As a parent, you know how important it is to make sure your child visits the dentist regularly and has their eyes checked. But making sure your child is as healthy as they can be can sometimes extend further than these routine checkups. Let’s take a look at some of these now.

Nutritional visits

We live in a world that’s heavily condensed with fast food and processed snacks. So, taking your child to see a nutritionist could be beneficial. Not only can they help battle any issues with weight, but they can also help with creating meal plans that suit your child’s needs.

They will look at things like their allergies, or if they have any health conditions that may affect what they eat. For example, AFRID is an eating disorder that many parents are becoming more aware of now. A nutritionist could help you make sure that your child gets the essential nutrition in their diet. Don’t battle alone!

Mental health appointments

Your child’s mental health is just as important as their physical health. Taking the time to attend mental health appointments can help identify any issues early on. You don’t often think of issues like anxiety or depression in children, but it’s a real problem that often goes overlooked.

As your child grows, they face many challenges. These challenges may affect their mental health. Not only can attending these appointments help address problems early on, but it can help your child build coping strategies for what’s next to come in their life.

Hearing check ups

Hearing problems are often missed or misinterpreted as other problems in young children. For example, if your child is delayed with their speech, this could be a symptom of autism instead. But, there are many benefits of early hearing detection because it means your child will get the support to help their overall development.

There are lots of signs to look out for when it comes to hearing loss. It’s always a good idea to book an appointment just in case. And, if you’re worried about what a hearing test might look like, you can rest assured that they are noninvasive. They have been created to be child friendly.

Developmental screenings

Finally, while there’s a good chance that your pediatrician monitor’s your child’s development, there’s nothing wrong with getting further developmental screenings if you have concerns. If you’ve noticed signs in your child that don’t seem right, or you have a history of learning disabilities, it’s important to get these issues addressed as soon as possible.

Not only will your child get support in their learning, but you will get support as their parent too. Once you have that support, you’ll notice that their progress in many areas (like social or motor skills) will improve.

It’s totally normal to not want to believe that anything is wrong with your child. After all, they are perfect to you. However, by considering these extra checkups, you could significantly help their learning, social and motor skills.

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Barb Webb. Founder and Editor of Rural Mom, is an the author of "Getting Laid" and "Getting Baked". A sustainable living expert nesting in Appalachian Kentucky, when she’s not chasing chickens around the farm or engaging in mock Jedi battles, she’s making tea and writing about country living and artisan culture.
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