Managing The Stress of Moving

If you’ve ever moved house before, then you’ll know just how stressful it can be. It’s one of those things that feels like it should be relatively easy, but when it comes to it, you quickly discover that it’s going to be a much bigger task than you thought. That’s why it’s important to take proactive steps to try to minimize the stressful aspects as much as possible — if you don’t, then you’ll be setting yourself up for a bad time. 

We’ll run through some handy tips for ensuring your move runs as smoothly as possible below. While you might still have some stressful moments, we promise that they’ll be as minimal as possible. 

Start Early

It’s unlikely that you’ll be moving last minute. You’ll have plenty of warning that you’ll be leaving your current property and moving to a new one. While you might want to enjoy the final couple of months in your current house as much as possible, you’ll be better served by getting a head start on getting ready for the move. That could involve decluttering, starting the packing process, clearing out the pantry/home supplies, and so forth. It’s these little tasks that’ll make things all the easier later on.

Expect Problems

You should go into a house move with optimism, but you’ll be setting yourself up for failure if you think that everything will be easy from beginning to end. At some point or another, you’ll hit a problem — and you’ll be able to deal with those problems much better if you anticipated that they would come your way. In other words, act as if it’s not going to be easy, and you’ll have the mindset you need to deal with any unwelcome surprises that come your way. 

Hire Experts

There’s a simple reason why people often find moving stressful. It’s because they’ve got such little experience in moving from one place to the next. As such, you can make things significantly more straightforward for yourself by hiring experts who do have experience in moving. This can involve hiring a moving company to transport your belongings and working with an experienced real estate agent to take care of all the paperwork. You could do all those things by yourself, but it’ll cost you a lot of time and stress. Hand the tasks over to someone else instead. 

Handle the Essentials 

You can’t pour water from an empty cup. And you’ll need to pour a lot of water when you’re moving home. It’s recommended to invest in your wellness before and during the moving process. You’ll feel ready to undertake the move if you’re well-rested and physically and mentally well. 

You can do this by getting plenty of sleep in the week running up to your move and all-around ensuring that you’re entering the period from a place of relaxation. It’s also advisable to take care of the essentials during the move, too. That can involve having a plan for food and dropping the kids off at a relative’s during the most intense hours. 

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Barb Webb. Founder and Editor of Rural Mom, is an the author of "Getting Laid" and "Getting Baked". A sustainable living expert nesting in Appalachian Kentucky, when she’s not chasing chickens around the farm or engaging in mock Jedi battles, she’s making tea and writing about country living and artisan culture.
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