How To Avoid Costly Home Repairs

A home is a significant investment for many people. However, homeowners are no strangers to difficult, costly damages. Aside from the insecure living circumstances, they may jeopardize the value of your property. It’s no wonder that homeowners spent an average of $6,000 on home repairs in 2022.  However, with some easy preventive maintenance, you can boost your chances of avoiding these expensive projects. Here are a few techniques that will help you out. 

Keep a close eye on your roofing

The roof is important to your building, shielding your family and belongings from debris and extreme weather conditions. Therefore, there may be problems if it is broken or leaking. Regularly inspecting your roof is far less expensive than replacing it altogether. You can perform your roof checks but follow all safety precautions.

It’s worth noting that professional inspections and simple repairs may cost hundreds of dollars. But spending a little now can save you a lot later. For instance, replacing a roof can cost thousands of dollars, including fixing any related interior or property damage. Because a leaking roof may cause disintegrating walls and decayed furniture, take the initiative to inspect yours every six months to avoid this. 

Regularly examine your foundation

The natural factors take their toll on your property’s foundations. Over time, rain and wind can erode the soil surrounding this important area. You may not notice a serious problem immediately, but cracks near your foundation will let water pool in this area. Flooding, mildew, decaying support beams, and significant damage might result if this is not addressed immediately. Rather than neglecting your foundation, you should check on it twice a year in various seasons.

You can also be proactive by installing a trench drain in the driveway, garden, and around the patio or deck. This contraption can prevent water from weakening your foundation. You can also fill any gaps with soil, so feel free to consider this. 

Be on the lookout for termites 

Termite damage may be a serious issue for your property. In most situations, a visual check can help determine if your home has been invaded. Inspect your home for wood dust for evidence of damage to the wood. A magnifying glass may be required for a genuinely thorough check. Termite prevention should be installed in each wood-frame structure you own.

Most pest control plans include regular inspections during which a professional will look in and around your house for telltale indications of termite damage and install deterrents that will make your property unappealing to these unwelcomed invaders. 

How To Avoid Costly Home Repairs

Clean the gutters regularly 

Gutter overflow is more than just an eyesore. Debris, such as leaves, sticks, and pine straw, hinder water from flowing away from your home’s walls and foundation. This might result in foundation damage or water infiltration into your basement. Perform a visual examination on your own from time to time. Occasionally, you can grab an umbrella and walk outdoors during a rainfall to see if your gutters are functioning correctly.

It is also a good idea to schedule frequent gutter cleanings, perhaps a couple of times every autumn and periodically throughout the year, depending on the amount of vegetation around your property. 

Re-caulk everything 

The caulking around your faucets, toilets, and pipes can deteriorate over time. As a result, small amounts of water might leak, potentially causing mold development and damage to cabinets, walls, and floors. Reapplying new caulk around your pipes and water fixtures helps reseal and prevent leaks.

While you are at it, consider sealing your shower and toilet. To help weatherproof your home, put silicone-based caulk around your doors and windows. Weatherproofing is essential for lowering utility expenses and keeping pests away. 

Maintaining your HVAC system

HVAC maintenance might help you avoid thousands of dollars in repairs and booking an emergency visit during peak season. Running an out-of-season test on your HVAC equipment will help you prepare for the summer and winter periods. Better still, plan routine maintenance two months ahead for the best results.

Things like keeping the space around your HVAC clear and updating your air filters monthly can have a significant influence. This is especially true if there are smokers or dogs in the house. HVAC maintenance may be as simple or as complex as you want, so keep this in mind. 

Examine the outside paint and siding

Your house’s exterior paint keeps it looking smart. More importantly, it prevents water from causing damage to crucial structural components beneath. Look for dry, chalky, cracked, flaking, or peeling paint. Most homeowners can sand and refinish small portions, particularly trim around doors and windows.

Professional painters may charge based on the size of your home, so keep this in mind. However, ensure you work with a credible company to get the best value for your money. The longer you wait to repaint, the more likely water and bugs may do severe, extensive damage.

Regularly inspect your chimney 

If you use a fireplace to keep your house warm in the winter, your chimney must be inspected regularly. You may perform an eye examination, checking for missing bricks and fractures in the pointing. You should note that significant abnormalities may indicate damage. Because chimneys may be tricky to manage, it is recommended to hire an expert to help you.

The chimney professional will clean the structure to remove any built-up flammable tar accumulated on the walls that can cause home fires and may apply caulking to prevent future water leaks from rain and snow. According to the Chimney Safety Institute of America, you should have an expert evaluate your chimney once a year. 

How To Avoid Costly Home Repairs

Don’t neglect your water heater

Taking a cold shower is unpleasant, and replacing a faulty water heater may be worse. If your water heater is not getting as hot as it used to, or if the heated water is not clear, it is time for a tune-up. Consult your owner’s handbook on when and how frequently preventive maintenance should be performed.

You may need to flush the tank if you have a conventional unit. On the other hand, a tankless device will require you to check the pressure valve or, as directed by the manufacturer. While you can do many of the maintenance tasks yourself, changing parts or completing more intricate repairs may require the services of a plumber. 

Maintain vigilance in your laundry room 

Did you know your laundry room is one of your home’s most dangerous dire hazards? Remove lint from your dryer’s tray every time you use it to avoid clogged dryer vents. This is because lint buildup can cause your machine to malfunction, leading to disaster.

Furthermore, be sure to clean the vent at least once a year. It will take a few minutes and save your entire home, so feel free to consider this. 

Outdoor decking should be cleaned and sealed

Weather elements such as wind and rain will deteriorate outdoor decking. A couple of liters of sealant and a Saturday afternoon’s work will cost you $50 or less. Allowing your deck to go untreated for a season or three will almost certainly result in damaged decking, ties, and joists beneath. Those repairs would take a lot more time and effort, as well as a lot more money for the materials. 

Your home can be in excellent condition without you spending a fortune. You only need to stay on top of your home maintenance, which will help you spot and fix minor damages. Hopefully, these tips will help you achieve the desired outcome. 

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Barb Webb. Founder and Editor of Rural Mom, is an the author of "Getting Laid" and "Getting Baked". A sustainable living expert nesting in Appalachian Kentucky, when she’s not chasing chickens around the farm or engaging in mock Jedi battles, she’s making tea and writing about country living and artisan culture.
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