7 Tips That Will Make Your Home More Interesting

Do you often feel like your home is a bit of a boring environment to be in? Do you wish it was more interesting so that you could show it off to friends and family? Of course, there’s nothing wrong with having a tame home, but some people wish for something a little more exciting – to each their own! There are plenty of great ways you can make your home a bit more appealing to yourself and others, but it takes some time and effort to make it work. It should be a work of passion! You’re going to be living amongst your work, after all, so don’t try to rush it.

Some homes are harder to work with than others, and everyone has their own opinion of what’s interesting and what isn’t – so it’s important to give it a fair amount of experimenting before you decide on what you’re going to settle with.

Even if you’ve made your home exciting and interesting in the past, it might be a good time for you to consider changing it up. A fresh look only stays fresh for so long, so why not think about redecorating?

Reflect your interests

Making your home more lively is important, but you have to remember that your home should say something about you. It’s nice to have reminders of the things you like hung up around you on display, and it’s a great way for others to learn more about your interests. It doesn’t have to be anything big but, paintings, photos, or even pop-culture references that you’re interested in can make for great decorations.

Reflecting your interests in your home is all about what you want, so as far as suggestions go – you’re on your own for that! Play with some ideas of what you might like to see on a daily basis, and what you’d like others to know about you when they enter your home!

7 Tips That Will Make Your Home More Interesting

Display souvenirs

Most people like traveling, and for many, it’s a tradition to pick up something from the places you’ve been before. No matter how big or small, these often make for great conversation pieces, and they’re perfect for showing off. Consider it like scrapbooking, but you’re decorating your home with the memories of your traveling! 

Even if you haven’t been very far, it’s nice to have these things on display so that you may reminisce over them whenever you walk by them. Just a photo on the shelf is enough to start up a conversation with visitors, so consider it!

7 Tips That Will Make Your Home More Interesting

Hang up some art

Everyone has a creative side to them, and it can say a lot about someone depending on the style of art they’re interested in. Hanging up art in your home not only gives you and your guests something interesting to look at and admire, but it says a lot about your taste. These Monet canvas prints are perfect for the occasion, and they can come in all shapes and sizes! So if you’re looking for something somewhat small to tie the room together, a well-placed art piece can be the perfect solution to it.

Even if you don’t have a specific artist in mind, you can find some relatively cheap art if you take the time to browse around your local stores. People often get rid of theirs when moving, and there are many that are sold as just decorative pieces – so you’re not buying the originals or authentic pieces. 

7 Tips That Will Make Your Home More Interesting

Learn more about color theory

When decorating, there are a lot of things you should know about if you’re going to get things to look right. Going about your decorating without any kind of plan can lead to a disaster – and the color is something you might want to educate yourself on a little more before you get started. Not every color goes together, and too many colors might lead to a room that’s a little too vibrant. A more interesting room doesn’t always mean colorful, and going for something a little too lively can lead to headaches. 

You might find it’s better to keep it simple to just one or two colors. Sometimes when it comes to color, less is more, so you’ll want to explore a little bit and see what others are doing with their homes. Some inspiration can go a long way, and it will save you the time and money you spent on redecorating and failing your attempts!

Learning about color theory might sound complicated, but it’s really simple once you get down to it! You mostly want to learn about what goes and what doesn’t before you make any big changes in your home.

7 Tips That Will Make Your Home More Interesting

Rearrange everything

One of the easiest and simplest ways to make your home feel more interesting is to redecorate using what you already have. It’s completely free, but it does take a lot of time and effort to do. Move your whole bedroom around, and switch rooms to another one that’s convenient for you. Keeping your home interesting isn’t always about giving it a complete makeover, it could be the case of just changing things up a little bit. You’re getting a different experience, and you’d be surprised how refreshing it can be to change things up.

Not everyone wants to break the bank to keep their home feeling new, and you don’t have to. Changes like this can do a lot – unless your home has always felt like it was missing something. If you were happy with how your home was before and you just grew bored of it, you can bring that feeling back!

7 Tips That Will Make Your Home More Interesting

Bring in some plants

Having plants in your home not only brings in a lot of colors but brings life and responsibility with it too. It’s something you’ll have to do a lot of research for because you want your plants to be able to get the nutrition and sunlight they need. If you haven’t got much natural light coming into your home, plants that are very demanding might die quickly. You’re better off figuring out what’s best for your home and going from there.

It does bring a new responsibility to your home, but nothing too tedious that you’ll feel overwhelmed by it! There are many who claim house plants are great home companions because of the atmosphere they bring with them, so it’s worth your investment if you’re looking to make your home a better place!

7 Tips That Will Make Your Home More Interesting

Hire an interior decorator 

When you want a new look in your home, but you don’t want to have to renovate the building, it could be a good idea to get in touch with an interior decorator. Not everyone has a knack for home decoration, and it can be hard to channel your creativity if you’ve never had the chance to try it out for yourself in the past. It could save you both time and money to entrust the task to someone who knows what they’re doing.

Not only have interior decorators done the job before, but they have a lot of insider knowledge and can work with you to find something that you’re really happy with. Their services will cost you, as well as the decisions they make to make your home more appealing – but it saves you from making poor investments and deciding to give up later down the line if it’s something you really don’t feel like you could achieve yourself. Sometimes it’s better to invest more upfront.

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Barb Webb. Founder and Editor of Rural Mom, is an the author of "Getting Laid" and "Getting Baked". A sustainable living expert nesting in Appalachian Kentucky, when she’s not chasing chickens around the farm or engaging in mock Jedi battles, she’s making tea and writing about country living and artisan culture.
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