Need Your Kids To Help With Chores? Here’s How To Make It Happen

When was the last time someone paid you for cleaning your house? We’re willing to bet that it was a quarter past never when that last happened, right? Well, that’s because you live there. And if you want to live in a clean and tidy house, you need to do chores every single day. Your home is your castle, and it’s ideal you teach your kids the same lesson.

Chores teach your children to take responsibility and care of their space. It teaches them to look after their area and take pride in it. You don’t have to pay your kids for chores. However, you can impress upon them that when they clean after themselves there will be less of a need for pest control in the house! Teaching them that their space can become dirty or pest-ridden if they don’t is important.

Need Your Kids To Help With Chores? Here's How To Make It Happen

You want to make sure that you send children out into the world who are independent, happy and know how to look after themselves. You do not want other people in their lives to have to clean up after them. Teach them to do it themselves. Get to work now on ensuring your children understand how and why to do chores. Here’s how to make it happen:

Set a chart

Often, children need reminder prompts to ensure that they are able to keep their room clean and stay on top of their chores. Build a cleaning routine that everyone understands and you can get everyone on top of their tasks in no time at all. Give the kids each an individual list of chores to do and then keep on top of them.

Be a team

If you want to get through the cleaning in the house, then you have to be a team about it. Tackle the rooms together and have jobs for everyone in each room. The smallest of the lot can help with picking things up and as the biggest, you can mop and vacuum the floors and do the big jobs. If you do it as a team, kids will be way more motivated to go for it.

Choose age-appropriate chores

You don’t want to get your seven year old to empty out the dishwasher. So, make sure that you choose chores that match the age of the children. This way, you can ensure that the work gets done right and you can get all of the chores completed properly. You don’t want to overwhelm your kid. They find it easier to help when they are comfortable with the chores set for them.

Add a timer

If you make doing chores more of a game, you will find it easier to motivate the kids to clean up after themselves. Timed chores are an effective way to keep children interested in doing the chores in the first place and it makes it feel like a fun game!

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Barb Webb. Founder and Editor of Rural Mom, is an the author of "Getting Laid" and "Getting Baked". A sustainable living expert nesting in Appalachian Kentucky, when she’s not chasing chickens around the farm or engaging in mock Jedi battles, she’s making tea and writing about country living and artisan culture.
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