Guide to Self Care for Pregnant Women

You’ve just found out that you are pregnant and it’s the best news ever! You’ve wanted to become a parent for a long time. Now that the time has finally come, you’re both so excited and happy.

It’s essential to take care of yourself during pregnancy. It will help you cope with the physical changes you’ll be going through. And also the other stressors that may be thrown your way. Besides the noticeable material changes, there are other changes that you may not be aware of. Your appetite changes, your sleep habits may change, and the amount of time you take off from work to take care of yourself and your baby may change.

Read on to find out how to indulge in self-care during pregnancy.

Eat Well

When you are pregnant, your appetite changes, and it can be hard to find foods that you want to eat.

Ask your partner to take over cooking some nights, or ask your friends and family for some healthy recipes. If you don’t want to cook for yourself, try ordering healthy meals. Or use meal subscription boxes where everything is supplied for you.

Eat small meals throughout the day instead of having three large meals because this will help keep your blood sugar levels stable.

Make sure that you don’t skip breakfast because this is when your metabolism starts to kick in, and if you miss this meal, it can make it hard for you to get full later on in the day.

Guide to Self Care for Pregnant Women

Rest Often

During pregnancy, your body goes through a lot, and it’s essential to take care of yourself. Resting often can help you manage the physical changes you will go through during pregnancy, like fatigue. It’s okay if you rest for just a few hours or decide to sleep for an entire day. Just make sure that you drink plenty of water when you get up and eat healthy snacks.

Take this time to pamper yourself, use face masks, apply a cream for pregnancy stretch marks, have foot rubs, and so on to help you relax as much as possible.

Indulge in Pregnancy Massages

Pregnancy massage is a great way to indulge in self-care during pregnancy because it relaxes your muscles and helps relieve muscle aches and pains. Massage also helps you sleep better, allowing you to get more rest.

Pregnancy massage can be done with a therapist or a partner. Many different techniques can be used during pregnancy massage to help relieve pressure points on your body. You may want to try deep tissue, lymphatic drainage, or reflexology while pregnant, as they help relieve stress and pain.

You may be asking yourself what a pregnancy massage is and how it differs from a regular massage. Pregnancy massages are specifically catered to pregnant mothers and their needs during their pregnancy.

Exercise where possible

One of the best ways to take care of yourself during pregnancy is to exercise when it’s possible.

So, what’s the deal with working out while pregnant? Suppose you’re going to continue your regular workout routine. In that case, it is essential to modify any exercises that involve lying flat on your back because this may cause stress on your uterus and affect blood flow. You may need to do more weight-bearing workouts and focus on stretching rather than working out for a certain amount of time. However, if you are used to working out at a high-intensity level, it may be better to cut back or stop altogether.

You should also avoid exercises that involve lying flat on your stomach—especially those that put a strain on the abdominal muscles—because this can affect your baby. With all these changes in mind, it may be best for you to talk with your doctor about what types of exercises would be safe for you to make sure that you don’t hurt yourself. This can differ from person to person.

Listen to your care provider.

One of the things you can do for yourself during pregnancy is to listen to your care provider. They have access to the best experts on pregnancy, labor, and birth. They have been through this before and know what will happen to your body and what you need physically and emotionally.

Your care provider has plenty of information at their disposal, and they want to help ease your mind by giving you the best possible advice. You should ask them about their recommendations for which prenatal vitamins you should take, how often you should exercise, and what kind of food you should eat. You can also talk with your care provider about any other stressors or challenges that are going on in your life outside of your pregnancy that may need some extra attention.

Record your feelings

One of the easiest ways to indulge in self-care is by listening to your feelings.

It may seem odd, but it’s essential to take the time to write down how you are feeling on a particular day – whether it’s happy, angry, sad, excited, or any other emotion. This will help you gain more perspective on yourself and learn about your emotional patterns. Keeping a journal for a few weeks can be a valuable tool for developing better self-awareness and understanding how you feel daily.

Connect with your partner

It’s normal for couples to have some disagreements during pregnancy and even afterward. During pregnancy, you may feel overwhelmed and exhausted, increasing the likelihood of differences. To keep your relationship strong during this time, it’s essential to find ways to connect with each other.

There are many ways that you can do this. Try going on walks together or sitting down for a meal together. It may sound simple, but these are just small ways to show your partner that you love them and want them in your life, no matter what changes come up during the course of your pregnancy journey.

Pregnancy is an exciting time in your life but you must remember to take care of yourself or help you progress as well as possible and enjoy this time as much as you can.

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Barb Webb. Founder and Editor of Rural Mom, is an the author of "Getting Laid" and "Getting Baked". A sustainable living expert nesting in Appalachian Kentucky, when she’s not chasing chickens around the farm or engaging in mock Jedi battles, she’s making tea and writing about country living and artisan culture.
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