5 Healthy Habits To Live Your Best Life

Improving your health is an ongoing project, it takes a lot of effort and it doesn’t happen overnight. The key is to make small changes to your lifestyle and work your way from there. If you’re looking for a few healthy habits to live your best life, these will help you to lay the foundation.

Create a bedtime routine

Many of us struggle to sleep at night, which can severely impact our moods and sense of wellbeing. The good news is, adjusting your bedtime routine can make a huge difference. If you’re someone who watches TV or scrolls on social media late at night, this is a habit worth stopping.

To get a good night’s sleep it’s best to switch off all electronics at least one hour before you sleep. Give yourself time to wind down with some relaxing activities, you might take a bath, meditate, or practice aromatherapy.

5 Healthy Habits To Live Your Best Life

Cook new recipes

Do you find yourself always eating the same type of things? If you’re bored with your cooking routine it might be time to spice things up a bit? When you experiment with new recipes you’ll rekindle your love of cooking, (plus you’ll be more likely to discover healthy new dishes). Focus on ingredients that boost your immune system and boost your mood.

Cooking is therapeutic, wholesome, and even fun. If you want to get super healthy and green, why not try growing your own vegetables too?

Embrace the natural world

Living your best life is all about embracing nature, and there are so many ways to do this. You might go hiking, camping, or swim in lakes? Perhaps your connection to the natural world is house-plants? Maybe it’s making improvements to your garden?

Connecting with nature is a fantastic way to boost your endorphin levels and support your wellbeing. Getting out in the natural world is an amazing way to reduce anxiety.

Write positive affirmations

Positive thinking can help you during times of stress, but that doesn’t mean it’s always easy. When you’re feeling blue and tense, it can be hard to move past these feelings. Positive affirmations are a great tool during tough times, these are positive statements, used to challenge negativity. Writing down positive affirmations is a great way to focus on your strengths and goals. To give you a better idea check out these examples from Utterly Positive Magazine:

  • I am thankful for each positive experience.
  • I’m grateful for all I’ve achieved.
  • I am the creator of my own happiness.

Schedule health visits

To keep your body healthy, you must schedule in your regular health visits. If it’s been a long time since you’ve had an eye exam or hearing test, it’s best to book this in. Even if you already wear hearing aids, it’s still important to check in with your audiologist. They might have suggestions for new tech you can use whether it’s assistive listening devices or apps for hearing aids.

Cultivating healthy habits and routines will help you improve your relationship with your body and mind. Once you get on a healthy journey, you’ll create habits that stick.

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Barb Webb. Founder and Editor of Rural Mom, is an the author of "Getting Laid" and "Getting Baked". A sustainable living expert nesting in Appalachian Kentucky, when she’s not chasing chickens around the farm or engaging in mock Jedi battles, she’s making tea and writing about country living and artisan culture.
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