4 Signs You Should Quit Your Career And Start A Business

The world tells us that we have to remain small people and never really access the power that we keep within. But that’s just a ploy. The truth is that almost everyone has the capacity to do something great in this world. For some, it’s family, for others, it’s art. And for some, it is adding value to people’s lives through business.

In this post, we look at some of the tell-tale signs that it’s time to ditch your unfulfilling career and embrace the world of entrepreneurship.

You Feel Like You’re Wasting Time

There’s nothing worse than going through life, feeling like you’re wasting time. You can never be present, here and now in the moment. You’re always thinking about how you could contribute more. You feel stuck in an endless cycle of work and expenditure that you wish you could break.

If you have this sensation, it usually means that you were meant to do something else. While having a career is great for some people, it’s just not the right match for you.

4 Signs You Should Quit Your Career And Start A Business

You Have A Vision

Having a vision is key to becoming successful in business. Those who carefully describe their “why” can bear almost any “how.

Just look at how some of today’s great entrepreneurs did what they did. They started with a vision for how they wanted to change the world, and then they got on with it.

It was their singular focus on achieving that vision that saw them through the hard times. Even when things got intense, it was all worth it because of where they wanted to go.

You Want To Take Control

Running a business doesn’t feel like you’re taking control at first. You have to manage customers, colleagues, employees and clients. It’s a mess.

However, as your firm grows, you notice that you’re less involved in the day-to-day trivia. Instead, after a while, the business matures and creates a cash stream that you can use to fund the life that you want.

The amount of tasks that you can now outsource is simply enormous. You can get agencies to do your marketing, accounting, finances, production and recruitment. There are even virtual office address services that negate the need to hire expensive office space.

Eventually, you gain control of your life and time. And when that happens, joy usually follows.

You Want Life To Feel Like An Adventure

Life can sometimes feel a little dull and repetitive. In the West, we accept this as normal. Generations have been going through this cycle for hundreds of years.

But it turns out that things don’t actually have to be this way. We don’t necessarily need to live regimented lives. In fact, we can just hop from moment to moment, reacting to situations as they present themselves. That’s how ancient people lived, and that’s how we should too.

Running a business feels a bit like this. You’re always doing something different with your time every day and you don’t know what’s coming next. It makes clock-watching a thing of the past.

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Barb Webb. Founder and Editor of Rural Mom, is an the author of "Getting Laid" and "Getting Baked". A sustainable living expert nesting in Appalachian Kentucky, when she’s not chasing chickens around the farm or engaging in mock Jedi battles, she’s making tea and writing about country living and artisan culture.
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