Bowl of Life Podcast – How CBD and Plants Can Help Heal Our Bodies

So excited to have the opportunity to chat with the lovely Bowl of Life Podcast host Sarah Hayes today! We’re chatting about hemp, CBD, and how plants can help heal our bodies.

Nature supports us in so many ways, tune in for ideas to help support your wellness journey. The Bowl of Life podcast is available on iTunes, Spotify, and accessible on Bad To The Bowl, Sarah’s website focused on health meal solutions for plant based eating. (Be sure to explore the website, too, so much awesome info and inspiration there, too!)

Bowl of Life Podcast - How Plants Can Help Heal

Bowl of Life Podcast Interview with Barb Webb

Topics we cover in the Bowl of Life Podcast interview include:

  • What led Barb to explore medicinal gardening
  • Why Cannabis is misunderstood as a plant
  • How to choose CBD, ensure it is ‘legit’ and what the difference is between CBD isolate and full spectrum
  • Why cannabis and medicinal is a clever match in the plant based world
  • An overview of popular herbs to grow in your medicinal garden
  • Common uses of spices and how to use them
  • How to store and preserve herbs for using later
  • Common food pairings for herbs and spices
  • When to use CBD in a recipe for food or natural beauty products
  • Medicinal Tea vs. Herbal Tea

Getting Baked with Barb Webb

If you’re new to the website and haven’t picked up your copy of GETTING BAKED: Everything You Need To Know about hemp, CBD, and Medicinal Gardening yet, it’s available at bookstores everywhere in both digital and print formats.

Do you suffer from chronic illness, insomnia, inflammation, or stress? Or are you just cannabis curious?

No matter what your reasons for wanting to learn more, there’s no denying the potential of hemp and CBD as powerful solutions to a myriad of modern ailments.

Learn how CBD, hemp, and herbs can work for your body and start GETTING BAKED today!

Getting Baked Everything You Need To Know about Hemp, CBD and Medicinal Gardening

Thanks for joining me on the “getting baked” journey! Hope you find plenty of ways to reconnect with nature, recharge, and improve your health and wellness!

Stay tuned for more podcasts, articles, giveaways, and more to celebrate the book launch!

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Tags: CBD, farm fresh, gardening, hemp, herb gardening, herbs, medicinal gardening, sustainable living
Barb Webb. Founder and Editor of Rural Mom, is an the author of "Getting Laid" and "Getting Baked". A sustainable living expert nesting in Appalachian Kentucky, when she’s not chasing chickens around the farm or engaging in mock Jedi battles, she’s making tea and writing about country living and artisan culture.
CBD Product Tracker from GETTING BAKED CBD Daily Wellness Log | Free Printable from GETTING BAKED


    • Daisy Bryce
    • April 13, 2021

    I love that your book is great for those who are curious about CBD. I’m sure that even those who know a lot about CBD will also learn something new.

    1. Reply

      Sounds like a wonderful resource for anyone interested in CBD for wellness.

      1. Reply

        Thanks Linda! I sure hope it’s a great resource for many! Keep in mind that there’s tons of information and how-to on medicinal gardening herbs and spices, too. It’s a holistic guide that covers much more than just CBD.

    2. Reply

      Thanks Daisy! I certainly hope everyone will benefit from the guide in many ways! Even those who are regular users of CBD should benefit from the herb/spice connection and learning new ways to incorporate all into your lifestyle.

  1. Reply

    I am so excited to be getting my book this week in the mail. The podcast is great.

    1. Reply

      Thanks so much Grace for listing in! Hope that you enjoy the guide!

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