Does CBD help you sleep?

For many years, I struggled not only to get to sleep, but to stay asleep. Turns out, I’m not alone. According to the American Sleep Apnea Association, it’s estimated that sleep-related problems affect 50 to 70 million Americans.

We purchase a new bed (which has helped some.) Added supportive pillows (which also helps with my general comfort.)

In addition, I’ve tried a dozen techniques from meditation to noise machines. I’ve also adjusted my diet including restricting caffeine to mornings only. I exercise during the day to ensure I’m getting in enough movement. All of these things have continued to aid my efforts, but none solved it.

That’s when I turned to herbs and later to full spectrum CBD. When used in combination together and with the above changes to my lifestyle, I have finally achieved a lovely night’s rest with a deep sleep!

The thing about sleep is there’s not a one-step cure for most people. It’s important to take a holistic approach.

Steps that help me achieve a consistent, deep and restful sleep:

  • Reducing caffeine consumption, especially in the latter half of the day.
  • Having a supportive bed and pillow that suits my personal body type needs.
  • Meditating or having quiet time near bedtime. When I start to get tired or I know I want to head to sleep, I turn off my computer and phone. All work ceases. I don’t start binge watching a show. This is time for reflection and restful activities.
  • Exercise regularly throughout each day. Sometimes it’s just a hike in the woods. Sometimes it’s cleaning the house. The key is to keep moving and not have a sedentary life.
  • Stop eating a few hours before bedtime.
  • I drink herbal teas near bedtime to help me relax. Herbal teas with Lavender, Chamomile, Valerian root, Cinnamon or Ashwagandha are my top picks.
  • I take 25 mg of full spectrum CBD.
  • If I think I’ll be particularly restless, I may supplement with 1-3 mg of Melatonin.

As you can see, it’s not just one or two things. Sleep is some serious business and we need to treat it that way. A good night sleep can totally change your mood, your outlook, your ability to deal with stress, and so much more.

Quality sleep enhances your life. It helps keep you immune system strong. Helps regenerate your body. And above all, truly improves your quality of life.

If you are looking for a sleep “cure,” my best advice is to throw everything and the kitchen sink at it. Don’t just try one thing and go “oh, that didn’t work.” Keep trying until you find the perfect combination that works for you.

Does CBD help you sleep?

Receptra Serious Rest for Nighttime

CBD is a part of my daily regime to combat inflammation (from Hashimoto’s and Carpal Tunnel Syndrome,) and part of my evening ritual for sleep enhancement.

Receptra reached out and asked if I wanted to collaborate on some sleep related content for March, which happens to be National Sleep Month. As part of this collaboration, they sent over their new rest-specific CBD tincture.

I’ve already been supplementing my sleep routine with a full spectrum CBD tincture. After researching their brand, I agreed to test out the Receptra Serious Rest for Nighttime Tincture as it looked to be comparable to what I was already using. Plus, there were several features I appreciate:

  • The tincture includes Chamomile and Valarian root. These are two of the herbs I’ve studied and used for many years in nighttime herbal teas.
  • Receptra is formulated with natural and organic ingredients.
  • The website has clear testing results posted. Each tincture even has a QR code and batch number that links to the specific testing for that product.
  • Receptra Serious Rest for Nighttime includes the terpene Linalool, which is also found in Lavender. It’s known for it’s anti-anxiety, anti-inflammatory properties, and sedative nature.

Anecdotally, full spectrum CBD can help enhance your sleep. For me, it does. Receptra has a great article on why CBD may work for enhancing sleep.

Did Receptra Help Me Sleep?

Results? It works. For me. (Have to add that as everyone is different! Plus, you should always consult your doctor before trying any new supplement.)

I found it comparable to what I already use and to be effective, delivering as promised in promoting a deep, restful sleep. Particularly loved the flavor. It has hints of vanilla, peppermint, and chamomile.

I’m totally okay with hemp in its natural state and flavor, but I do enjoy a tincture with peppermint. The vanilla added a bit of smoothness to the bite of the peppermint, making it a thoroughly enjoyable tincture.

Honestly didn’t catch the chamomile taste. As a tea drinker, I thought I’d pick up on this note, but I didn’t. Tastes great, though, so no worries, there!

Overall, I’m impressed with the product and the brand. The brand uses Colorado hemp, which is another key element important to me.

Will certainly be adding this to my routine to change things up from time to time, as I really enjoy the flavor and properties of the tincture!

PS: Don’t like tinctures? They have a capsule available, too. Check out the full product line at



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Barb Webb. Founder and Editor of Rural Mom, is an the author of "Getting Laid" and "Getting Baked". A sustainable living expert nesting in Appalachian Kentucky, when she’s not chasing chickens around the farm or engaging in mock Jedi battles, she’s making tea and writing about country living and artisan culture.
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