Affordable At Home Teeth Whitening for Coffee Stains

At Rural Mom, I’ve made no secret of the fact that I enjoy my cup o’ Jo so much that I’ve dubbed coffee as my favorite food group.  The trouble with years and years of coffee enjoyment, though, is it takes a toll on the brightness of your teeth.  Thanks to Smile Brilliant, I’m erasing the past to put forth my best and brightest smile this holiday season!

While I wouldn’t say my smile is awfully dim, it has had its brighter, whiter days.  Because I love smiling, I certainly want my teeth to look their best, but outside of using a whitening toothpaste, I just never found a product I liked using.  Whitening strips are clumsy and some of the tooth care products that promise whiter teeth, really don’t have lasting results.

Brighten Your Holidays with Affordable At Home Teeth Whitening

Yellow is just not my color,, and certainly not a color I want to use to describe my teeth!  As I approach fifty, I’m quite aware and accepting of the signs of aging.  I’m letting my grays grow in gracefully and I have no qualms about getting fine fines on my face.  Trust me, wanting whiter teeth is not me attempting to reverse the aging process.

What it is – This is me attempting to clear up some of the self-imposed stains on my teeth that I’ve added from my love of coffee, tea, tomato sauce and the occasional glass of red wine.

There are plenty of natural foods and drinks, in addition to those I love, that fight to make their presence known on your teeth.  Blueberries, soda, balsamic vinegar, juices, soy sauce, and beets all stain our precious pearly whites.

How Does Smile Brilliant Work to Make Your Smile Brighter?

Smile Brilliant is an at-home teeth whitening kit that provides professional quality results.  It’s a convenient way to brighten your smile without having to schedule endless dental visits.  It’s also a fraction of the cost of professional services, so all-in-all a wonderful solution!

The Smile Brilliant process includes creating a custom-fitted set of trays for your teeth whitening routine.  These trays are an exact impression of your teeth, designed to help you get the most effective coverage of whitening gel, ensuring even and consistent coverage for each and every application.

Making the impressions for the custom trays was easy-peasy and after mailing the mold impressions into the lab, I received mine trays in under two weeks.  As I was anxious to begin, it was great to have them back quick and I have to say they were quite cool!  My oldest son had clear braces and they were pretty much the same style trays as he had – a perfect replication of my tooth pattern.

Brighten Your Holidays with Affordable At Home Teeth Whitening for Coffee Stains

There are two types of Smile Brilliant kits, a non-sensitive system and a sensitive system.  I have the sensitive system as I do have some tooth sensitivity and generally use a sensitive teeth toothpaste.  Within the categories of sensitive and non-sensitive, you can also choose kits for heavy stains, average stains and light stains.

Included in the Smile Brilliant kits are:

  • Easy to follow, comprehensive directions
  • Catalyst Pastes and Base Pastes – used to make your teeth impressions
  • 2 Impression Trays – that you send in to get your custom trays made
  • Return card and postage-paid envelope – to send your impression trays to the lab
  • Whitening Gel
  • Desensitizing Gel (note- this item is only in sensitive teeth kits)

Using the kit truly couldn’t be easier.  The instructions are clear and there are a hold of tips and visuals to help guide you along throughout the entire process.

Brighten Your Holidays with Affordable At Home Teeth Whitening for Coffee Stains

Once you receive your custom trays, you simply use the whitening gel (and desensitizing gel, if you use the sensitive teeth kit) each day for a whiter, brighter smile.

Does Smile Brilliant Work?

In a nutshell – yes!

I went very slow (I’m still in the process of whitening) and I honestly struggled a little bit to get used to having the trays in, initially.  This led me to initially having shorter sessions every few days instead of every day up front.  After the first two weeks, though, I’ve been able to having longer sessions and use daily now, so the results are getting clearer and clearer to see. (And yes, I need lip gloss, ha ha! I wanted to be sure the photos were taken in the same location without makeup so they would be equal comparisons. Boy o’ boy, this weather is taking a toll on my lips!) :

Brighten Your Holidays with Affordable At Home Teeth Whitening for Coffee Stains


My difficulty up front with having the trays in was finding pockets of time where I didn’t need to talk, eat or drink for an extended time.  With a super busy schedule and unpredictable dinner times, this was a bit of a challenge.  I finally settled on whitening at the end of the day prior to bedtime, which worked out very well time-wise.  It was also highly effective in curbing any late night snacking and that’s a total win-win in my dietary book!

Other than that, whitening has been a breeze and I’m truly looking forward to my final results which will be revealed right about Christmas time (I’ll be sure to stop back and share a photo!)

It’s so great to have a brighter smile.  I love to smile and find myself smiling even more now with great confidence that my teeth are looking their best.

The verdict is that the kit works and it works well with very little hassle or mess.  My teeth are getting brighter by the day and the stains are not returning, even though I still continue to enjoy coffee each day.  Eventually, I may need to whiten them again, but I’ll gladly use Smile Brilliant to do the job again!

Want to try Smile Brilliant to erase your coffee stains?  Use code ruralmom15 for 15% off!

Win a Smile Brilliant Kit!

Thanks to the awesome folks at Smile Brilliant, one Rural Mom reader will win a Smile Brilliant kit to help make your holidays brighter!

ENTER HERE: (Easy-peasy entry, just name and email for contact purposes if you win!)

The giveaway is for a $149 Smile Brilliant credit. Open to USA, UK, Australia and Canadian residents, 18+.  Prize fulfillment via Smile Brilliant.  Entry period ends December 24, 2018. 

Professional Teeth Whitening

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Barb Webb. Founder and Editor of Rural Mom, is an the author of "Getting Laid" and "Getting Baked". A sustainable living expert nesting in Appalachian Kentucky, when she’s not chasing chickens around the farm or engaging in mock Jedi battles, she’s making tea and writing about country living and artisan culture.
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  1. I have stains on my teeth from medication when I was younger, and could NEVER find anything that helped. Smile Brilliant whitened them about 2 or 3 shades, which made a HUGE difference. I love this product. 🙂

    • Daisy
    • December 12, 2018

    My husband and I have both been thinking of trying this. It sounds like a nice idea for the new year!

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