Why My Son Chose the SAT

Earlier this month we chatted about dispelling the myths of the SAT and how to help your teen prep for the SAT.  Thanks to my partnership with the College Board, today I’m sharing why my son chose the SAT.

As parents, we all dream of a better future for our children.  Our children want good opportunities in life, too.  They just need a little nudge here and there to get on the right path.

This is how my son first became aware of the SAT – we sat down, reviewed the SAT registration page together and had a candid conversation about the steps he needed to take on his path towards college.

Why My Son Chose the SAT

It’s vital to communicate with and help guide our children as they prepare for adulthood.  After all, we needed mentors and guides along our journey, too.  Having heart-to-heart conversations can also help alleviate some of your teen’s stressors and concerns.

As a high school junior, this Spring is an excellent time for my son to take the SAT.  (FYI: The deadline to register for the SAT in March is February 9!). By taking the test now, we’ll be able to assess his results early and decide whether it will be a good option to re-take the test later. I’ve learned that most colleges look at your best combination score (and they don’t see it as a negative to take it twice or more) so I told my son to keep an open mind. He knows his dream school and wants to submit the strongest application he can.

Studies show 67 percent of students improve their scores when they retake the SAT.  Plus, with the free practice on Khan Academy, my son can focus just on those skills he needs to increase his score.

Knowing that some of the pressure is off to have a perfect test score prompted my son to eagerly agree that taking the SAT in March is an excellent idea.  It’s a relief to him to know he’ll have time for second chances if needed, and that’s a valuable security net.

He was also quite pleased to learn that there are no penalties for wrong answers on the SAT as this gives him more confidence to make an educated guess rather than leaving a question blank.

The real game-changer for him when deciding on whether to take the SAT is the free SAT prep offered.  In 2017, the College Board surveyed over 110 thousand students and found that more than 80 percent of students reported feeling confident going into the SAT.  This is how my son feels now, especially after using the FREE SAT Prep for all students with Official SAT Practice on Khan Academy. 

With Official SAT Practice, he can create a customized study plan with practice questions, video lessons, quizzes, and more. The SAT practice tests helps him to get an idea of what to expect on test day.  This preparation is invaluable and goes a long way toward lifting his confidence level even higher.

One thing I know for certain, we are all comfortable with his decision to take the SAT, especially as he feels confident with the choice and has had the opportunity to prepare with free resources.  We are all excited about my son’s promising future and eager to see how he will fare on the SAT.

If you are interested in registering for the SAT in March, be quick!  The deadline to register is February 9.  It’s a great opportunity for your son or daughter to take the next step on their journey towards higher learning!


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Tags: Back-to-school, teens
Barb Webb. Founder and Editor of Rural Mom, is an the author of "Getting Laid" and "Getting Baked". A sustainable living expert nesting in Appalachian Kentucky, when she’s not chasing chickens around the farm or engaging in mock Jedi battles, she’s making tea and writing about country living and artisan culture.
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    • Linda Kinsman
    • February 2, 2018

    This is a very timely post as my freshman daughter starts making decisions on classes and tests needed next year to continue on the best path to college in her chosen field of interest. I’m going to have her take a look at the free resource you’ve provided. Thank you and I wish you son much success on his upcoming test!

      • Barb Webb
      • February 3, 2018

      The free practice test resources are excellent, do check them out when you all have time to! Thanks for the best wishes, right back to you for your college-bound teen!

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