Farming: Why Should I Care? #HeresToTheFarmer

The current farm to table movement embodies a cultural shift in the way we think about food and nutrition, but it still falls short in getting to the true root of the farm – the hard-working, dedicated and industrious American farmer.  Thanks to my partnership with Bayer U.S. for this sponsored feature, I’m sharing my thoughts and opinions on why we should celebrate American farmers and how we can all help feed our hungry world.

Farming: Why Should I Care? #HeresToTheFarmer

Why should we care about farming?  Kind of plain and simple, because we like to eat!

Maybe you think farming or the farm-to-table movement are irrelevant for your lifestyle, but the truth is, every time you eat, you are embracing the wealth of goods our farmers provide for your enjoyment and sustenance.  You just don’t think about it.

I know.  There was a time when I never gave much thought to where my food came from either.  I simply reaped the benefits… and happily so.

There’s nothing wrong with having a robust appreciation for the food that is on our plate.   Not everyone has the privilege of knowing where their next meal will come from.

What I didn’t understand fully, until I began to farm, was how hard all the folks worked who provide the agricultural richness that delights our dinner tables and fuels our existence.  Wading knee deep in mud to help a struggling piglet or scrambling by flashlight to cover a crop to combat an unexpected Spring frost truly have a way of adding perspective!

These are things our forefathers had to do.  Today, they are things that most of us will never have to do because of the advancements in agriculture.  Now a group of dedicated American farmers do the work for the majority of our country.

Farming: Why Should I Care? #HeresToTheFarmer

When you really stop to think about exactly the amount of effort and ingenuity it takes before that first delicious piece of lasagna or slice of pizza hits our plate, it ramps up our appreciation for food to profound levels.

Farms are operated by individuals and families just like us.  Farming is a vocation just as our chosen jobs are.  Just as we love to have praise for “job well done,” it’s also important for us to extend the appreciation to our American farmers who have dedicated their livelihoods to providing us all safe, affordable and nutritious food options.

A really simple way your can shower your local farmers with gratitude is to join Bayer and Luke Bryan for the Here’s To The Farmer Campaign.  This campaign encourages us to say “thanks” to farmers online and in return, as a wonderful bonus, Bayer will donate a meal to a hungry family in need!  Here’s how it works:

  • From now through December 1, 2017, log in to your favorite social media platform like Facebook, Twitter or Instagram
  • Compose a note of gratitude to America’s farmers and use the hashtag #HeresToTheFarmer in your message
  • For every share, Bayer will donate a meal to a hungry family through Feeding America!

This year’s goal for Bayer’s donation efforts via Feeding America is to donate one million meals.  That’s a whole lot of happiness and health you can help deliver to people in need of a nutritious meal and a very lovely way to show some respect to our hard-working farmers.

I hope you will join me in sharing with the world why we care about farming and our hard-working American farmers.  Together we can show our gratitude and also help feed our hungry world!

Disclosure:  As stated above, this post was sponsored by Bayer, and I was compensated for this article.  Bayer is not responsible for any other content or advertisements on my site.  All opinions are my own. 

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Tags: farm, farm fresh, farm to table, farmer, Farming, rural lifestyle
Barb Webb. Founder and Editor of Rural Mom, is an the author of "Getting Laid" and "Getting Baked". A sustainable living expert nesting in Appalachian Kentucky, when she’s not chasing chickens around the farm or engaging in mock Jedi battles, she’s making tea and writing about country living and artisan culture.
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