The Struggle is Real: A Wild Guide to Growing-Up for Moms and Sons

This content was sponsored by Old Spice, but all thoughts and opinions on growing up teen boys and teen hygiene are that of Rural Mom.

My sons left the nest for the first day of high school today.  Both of them.  In high school.  Don’t you find it mind-boggling how fast they grow up in what seems a blink?

The Struggle is Real: A Wild Guide to Growing-Up for Moms and Sons

The oldest is even driving.  No more yellow school bus to cart them off.  Bittersweet moments these days!

Did you know that boys see the biggest signposts on the road to manhood as when they obtain their driver’s license or when they shave for the first time?  My oldest son has passed both milestones.

For moms, Old Spice studies show that the biggest signpost on the road to manhood is when your son showers or bathes without being told.  In our house, we haven’t quite crossed that milestone yet…

On the road to manhood, the ever-changing pre-teen and teen years can lead to some pretty divisive and awkward mom/son conversations. You may find it’s even more of a battle during back-to-school stress, when stress levels are extra high.  And sports activities are in full swing.  Quite frankly, there are days I don’t even want to try to enter my son’s room to even have a conversation.

The Struggle is Real: A Wild Guide to Growing-Up for Moms and Sons

That’s why I love that Old Spice is here to help. After all, according to ancient boy-law, “If something is cool, moms can’t like it. If moms like something, it can’t be cool.” That is, until the invention of Old Spice’s new eGuide “The Struggle is Real: A Wild Guide to Growing-Up for Moms & Sons.

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Designed for moms and sons, Old Spice is  sparking conversations by sharing hilarious and shocking new national mom/son study findings … while also offering helpful tips from popular parenting expert and mom of 4 boys, Deborah Gilboa, M.D. (aka “Dr. G”).

The guide is chock full of interesting facts, tips and wild ways to help connect with your son and ease the struggle of teen hygiene.  I loved finding advice on how to talk to my son about awkward topics and ideas for addressing those “stinky” stages, which includes “telling it like it is.”

The Struggle is Real: A Wild Guide to Growing-Up for Moms and Sons

For me, that means equipping them with the products and knowledge they need lickety-split to be proactive in addressing hygiene.   Because I’d really love to hang out with them without needing a gas mask.

Fortunately for me, my sons take advice well and they love using products like the new Old Spice Wild Collection featuring new Krakengärd scent.  Teen are all about express their style and scent is a big part of that expression, too.  When they love what they are using, it makes it super easy to gain their acceptance of a good hygiene routine.

The Struggle is Real: A Wild Guide to Growing-Up for Moms and Sons

A subtle trick I also use, rather than nagging them constantly to use certain products, is to simply lay them out in plain sight in their bathroom…

The Struggle is Real: A Wild Guide to Growing-Up for Moms and Sons

Or tucked away in their school backpack…

The Struggle is Real: A Wild Guide to Growing-Up for Moms and Sons

Yes, I want them to be responsible men and take care to have great habits on their own, but don’t most great habits your kids form get started with a little help from mom?  Studies may not prove that yet, but I’m pretty sure they would!

Looking for more wild ideas for tackling teen hygiene topics with your sons?  Be sure to check out our Wild New Craft Ways to Tame Teen Hygiene feature, too.

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Barb Webb. Founder and Editor of Rural Mom, is an the author of "Getting Laid" and "Getting Baked". A sustainable living expert nesting in Appalachian Kentucky, when she’s not chasing chickens around the farm or engaging in mock Jedi battles, she’s making tea and writing about country living and artisan culture.
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