Wild New Crafty Ways to Tame Teen Hygiene

This content was sponsored by Old Spice, but all thoughts and opinions on wild new crafty ways to tame teen hygiene are that of Rural Mom.

I absolutely love having teen sons.  I absolutely dislike many of the teen smells that accompany having teen sons.

Can you relate? Some days, it’s like someone let a wild wilderbeast out to run rampant in our home!

Wild New Crafty Ways to Tame Teen Hygiene

Old Spice relates and wants to help moms by giving young guys the tools to help them unleash their inner wild, while also taming odor and sweat.  They’ve address the whole “if something is cool, moms can’t like it and if mom likes something, it can’t be cool” dilemma by creating a fun “Wild” advertising campaign chock full of hilarious scenes.  I personally love how Old Spice chose to poke fun of traditional advertising gimmicks within the commercial spots, making it fun and interesting for everyone – a point moms and sons can both relate to!

My favorite is “Beach Budz.”  The whole segment makes me smile, but I particularly love the banners and dancing at the end.  Check it out:

It’s pretty cool when a company takes time to interject humor into our lives while tackling a serious topic like teen hygiene.  Because if you have teen boys, you totally know how serious and problematic this topic can be!

If you’d like a good laugh today, but sure to check out all the Old Spice “Wild” Campaign clips highlighting Old Spice’s Wild product collection (inspired by animalistic personalities, including the new Krakengärd scent):

  • Beach Budz (:30) – The only way to be a cool guy or a good mom is to watch this commercial, which probably seems like some sort of weird marketing gimmick but we can assure you, buy Old Spice.


  • Tragic Hair (:15) – Here’s a handy rhyme to help remember which hair products to buy: Why get dead when you could get Old Spice hair gel instead?

  • Invisible Boy (:05) – Eliminate that pesky “I have a son” smell with Old Spice Krakengärd deodorant.

  • Changes (:05) – Your body is undergoing some serious changes, and with those changes come odor. And claws? Whatever, it’s a weird time, you’ll get through it.

  • Shush (:05) – Inside every good man are just a bunch of secrets.

Definitely a refreshing spin on a product we already love in our home.  Old Spice has been my number one go-to to combat teen odors successfully.  I’m successful because my sons love the scents and style, I love the effective results!

By their request, I’m adding Old Spice Krakengärd scent deodorant and body wash to my shopping list this week.  That is a major mom win!

Wild New Crafty Ways to Tame Teen Hygiene

Old Spice also won this mom over with their new Pinterest campaign.  Hello? Pinterest.  YAY!   They have finally answered the age old question of “What do I do with all of these empty Old Spice containers?”

And the answer is (my favorite activity) – CRAFTS! Gloriously misguided, somewhat impossible, always useless crafts. Moms and sons alike can now turn to Old Spice’s new Pinterest board for all their deodorant koozie and decorative ponytail needs at https://www.pinterest.com/oldspice/

Wild New Crafty Ways to Tame Teen Hygiene

Now, you and I realize that Old Spice is poking a little fun at crafts, but the ideas are genius!  I loved the Felted Hygiene Sleeves so much, I had to create a version of my own to decorate my son’s space-themed bathroom.  (Hey, when you’re a DIY mom, you thrive on those handmade touches around the home!)

Running with the felt theme, I simple picked out a few fun colors, cut a sleeve for the deodorant, cut out a couple fun space-themed shaped, glued it all together and added a couple button embellishments. Viola! Kitschy art for the bathroom.

My son thinks I’m a little nutty for decorating his deodorant, but we did have a great laugh over it and that led to more laughter and conversation, so this mom is a-okay with the mom win (and the chance to let my inner wild craft beast out!)

Wild New Crafty Ways to Tame Teen Hygiene

How do you tame teen hygiene in your home?  Have your teens tried the new Old Spice Wild collection yet?  


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Barb Webb. Founder and Editor of Rural Mom, is an the author of "Getting Laid" and "Getting Baked". A sustainable living expert nesting in Appalachian Kentucky, when she’s not chasing chickens around the farm or engaging in mock Jedi battles, she’s making tea and writing about country living and artisan culture.
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