Practical Ways to Help an Adult Child Purchase and Settle Into His or Her First Home

Being a parent means you get to be involved in many milestones associated with your kids. From first steps to a driver’s license and graduating from college, these are just some of the events you get to proudly experience as your they progress through life. If you’ve reached the point where one of your adult kids wants to buy a first home, there are several things you can do to facilitate the process and make that abode as comfortable as possible.

Practical Ways to Help an Adult Child Purchase and Settle Into His or Her First Home

Offer Assistance With the Home Cost

Assuming your son or daughter wants to buy an owner-occupied property, you can probably help out with the costs by taking care of the down payment. Although that is the most common way parents help their kids buy homes, it’s not your only option. You can also act as a cosigner on a mortgage, which may particularly be necessary if your child does not yet make a lot of income or has a poor credit history.

Offering a family loan is another possibility to consider. It’s not just moms and dads giving loans for houses in every case. Sometimes, grandparents, aunts, uncles, and even godparents want to assist in this way as well. If your child is moving into his or her own place immediately after another achievement such as a marriage or graduation, you can approach relatives with the idea of contributing money for a house or giving loans instead of buying tangible gifts to mark that previous occasion.

Make Up a Recipe Box

Although today’s young people have apps and websites they can use to find tasty recipes, your son or daughter will certainly appreciate it if you take the time to create a box of handwritten recipe cards that explain how to make cuisines your child grew to know and love.

Give the outside of the box a personalized touch by painting it in an eye-catching hue. That extra gesture makes it clear you really care about providing your child with a thoughtful gift he or she will rely on frequently when figuring out which meals to cook in the new house.

Besides filling the box with several things to cook that became familiar during childhood, include numerous scrumptious recipes that are easy to cook and don’t require a lot of prep time or hard-to-find ingredients. By doing that, you’re increasing the likelihood your adult child will make meals at home and love doing it.

Help Your Child Get on a Good HVAC Maintenance Schedule

The heating and cooling system in a first home is among the most important parts of the residence. If your child has always lived with you until now or resided in an apartment complex staffed by a property management team, he or she is not yet accustomed to regularly scheduling appointments for the heater and air conditioner to get serviced.

Tin Man Heating and Cooling is one example of a reputable HVAC company that can keep the climate control system in your child’s new home working well. Ideally, set up the first servicing appointment to occur when you can be at the property to ask the service technician questions. Inexperience may mean your child does not know what kinds of things to ask yet.

You can set a good example by finding out what your child should do to maintain the heater and air conditioner between appointments and learn warning signs that may indicate severe problems. By assisting your child with forming a relationship with a reliable HVAC company, you are helping him or her avoid costly and stressful issues that directly interfere with home comfort.

These are just a few of the many ways you can help your child acquire and get comfortable in a first home. They’re all things he or she will appreciate for years to come.

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Barb Webb. Founder and Editor of Rural Mom, is an the author of "Getting Laid" and "Getting Baked". A sustainable living expert nesting in Appalachian Kentucky, when she’s not chasing chickens around the farm or engaging in mock Jedi battles, she’s making tea and writing about country living and artisan culture.
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