How Do You Empower Your Child’s Personality? #ColorItLoud

Do you have “holiday brain” right now? It’s that time of year when we all find it hard to concentrate either because we are mentally checked-out to the holiday celebrations already and/or because we are overloaded with extra to-do’s that keep piling up!  I know I’m in full holiday brain mode and my kids are, too.  They are coming home from school each day chatting about how few days are left before winter break and all of their plans for filling those days with holiday fun.  It’s hard enough to get them to focus on homework, let alone keep them engaged at school.  How do we empower their personality and keep them excited for learning this time of year?

To help kids fuel up for school and engage them throughout the year, Monster™ has partnered with Kellogg’s to provides some awesome ideas for empowering our child’s personality and keeping the enthusiasm for learning alive and well during the holiday season.  Plus they are offering Rural Mom readers the chance to win a very cool set of headphones to help your child express their personality and “Color it Loud!” Read on!

Monster N-Tune How Do You Empower Your Child's Personality? #ColorItLoud

With all the holiday distractions, how do you keep your children engaged during this exciting time of year?  In our home, we encourage lots of family time and try to incorporate a bit of educational play with board games and having our teens take the lead on holiday baking (measuring, planning and so on) which teaches them some excellent life skills in the process.

I also like to let them play their favorite music during homework time as it helps them to create a more positive experience.  For them, it doesn’t feel like such a chore to get your Geometry paper completed when they are humming along to upbeat tunes.  I’m not always in the mood to hear their music or it may be a distraction to the rest of our household, so I find that a quality set of headphones like Monster N-Tune is a terrific solution.   We also love that the N-Tunes can be connected with the music share feature which allows both of my sons to listen to the same music, video, movie and so on together from the same device.  I’m so impressed with the quality of sound and design, that we’ve already purchased two additional Monster-N-Tune headphones for our home use… and Santa will be delivering one more!

Monster N-Tune How Do You Empower Your Child's Personality? #ColorItLoud

Looking for more ideas? These top back pack basics from Monster and Kellogg’s are are also excellent ways to engage our children with the learning process and to inspire them to let their individuality shine!

  1. Keep them satisfied. Whether they’re sassy and savory or super and sweet, pack them a smart snack to suit their personality and get their juices flowing. Smart snacks are baked, low in fat and available in pre-portioned, smart-sized packets.
  2. Creative catalyst. Inspiration can strike anywhere from the bus to the playground. Give your kids the tools they need to capture it with a small sketch pad and a supply of colored pencils. Keep a compact set of supplies in their backpack so they put every idea to paper every time!
  3. Music motivation. It doesn’t matter if your style is hip-hop, alternative or country, nothing defines your style and gets you moving like music. As we mentioned earlier, Monster N-Tune on-ear headphones brings your favorite music, movies and games to life with unmatched clarity and depth; hand-tuned with precision and bass designed to blow you away. Their compact sleek colorful design completes any style and will fit perfectly in a backpack.
  4. Stylish security blanket. Every kid has it, that one piece of clothing that makes them feel like a king or queen. Put that shirt, scarf or hat – whatever it is – into their backpack so they can easily sport it whenever they need an extra confidence booster at school!

Our kids are unlike any other, so promoting their personality power is important to help them express themselves during the holiday season and throughout the year!

Want to pick up Monster N-Tunes for your crew? For more information or to purchase, visit

How do your kids color themselves loud?  Share your thoughts with us below and share them on Monster social media networks: Facebook and Twitter using the hashtag #ColorItLoud 


Thanks to the creative and innovative folks at Monster and Kellogg’s, one (1) Rural Mom reader will win one (1) pair of Monster N-Tune headphones!*

Monster N-Tune Pastel Collection How Do You Empower Your Child's Personality? #ColorItLoud

*Open to US mailing addresses only. The information and prize pack have been provided by Monster and Kellogg’s. Our sponsor is responsible for prize fulfillment. Sponsor will select model and color of headphones to be awarded. 

ENTER via the Rafflecopter below:

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Monster N-Tune Candy Colour Collection


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Barb Webb. Founder and Editor of Rural Mom, is an the author of "Getting Laid" and "Getting Baked". A sustainable living expert nesting in Appalachian Kentucky, when she’s not chasing chickens around the farm or engaging in mock Jedi battles, she’s making tea and writing about country living and artisan culture.
How Do You Recover from Holiday Bloat or an Upset Stomach? #PinkRelief How To Teach Your Kids Appreciation This Christmas


    • Kathleen S.
    • December 15, 2015

    Each of my kids express their creativity differently. One likes to draw characters, another likes to take things apart and try to put them back together, and the last one likes to design and rearrange her room in different ways. (Christmas theme right about now!) All of them do enjoy listening to music and occasionally enjoy singing a favorite song out loud! 🙂 I think that’s cute when they do that… anyway, creativity rocks!

    • Donna Kellogg
    • December 15, 2015

    My daughter likes to build things and she loves to Sing also.

    • Claudia
    • December 15, 2015

    Everything the kids do is colorful loud. Amanda is loves to sing out loud even if she doesn’t know the words to the song she will just invent them, she could be cleaning up, playing with her toys, coloring or even doing homework that she will be singing or humming. Humming usually when she is eating or we tell her to stop singing and focus on her homework.

    • Chistine Yvonne Groce
    • December 16, 2015

    definately; singing

    • Margaret Smith
    • December 16, 2015

    My kids love to play their music and sing or dance to it.

    • Amy Z.
    • December 16, 2015

    My kids color it loud by listening to music and singing along!

    • Nancy
    • December 22, 2015

    Love these ideas! And love the concept of teaching my kids to color out loud, fabulous!

      • Barb Webb
      • January 9, 2016

      Thanks Nancy! Hope you have a wonderful time coloring out loud in the new year!

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