How Do You Recover from Holiday Bloat or an Upset Stomach? #PinkRelief

Let’s face it, having an upset stomach totally blows! It puts an instant damper on your holiday celebrations and even render you unable to enjoy the holiday season at all.  When you should be filled with joy, not bloated like a balloon!  As a Smiley360 blogger , I’m working with Pepto-Bismol this year to share information and tips with my readers for the holidays to help tame the symptoms of over-indulgence so you can get back to enjoying the holidays quicker!

How Do You Recover from Holiday Bloat or an Upset Stomach? #PinkRelief

The dessert table (or sweets table as we like to call it in our home) is the indulgence that always gets me in the holidays!  It’s way too hard to resist all those delicious goodies that line up beckoning for us to enjoy a nibble.  As many of them are seasonal goodies we know we’ll only be able to enjoy on this singular festive occasion, the temptation is certainly great.

Problem is, after a few sweets, I’m usually feeling a bit bloated from all the excess dairy and fats in these rich treats.  While it seems like a good idea on the onset, when you are loading on delectable desserts atop an already rich meal, the effect can be a little disconcerting to your digestive system.  My more (eh-hem) mature age has taught me to curb my enthusiasm and to pick only a small portion of the treats I simply have to have, but for the times when I may tip the scale towards over-indulgence, I’ve found that carrying Pepto-Bismol To-Go Cherry Chewable Tablets can be a real tummy saver!

How Do You Recover from Holiday Bloat or an Upset Stomach? #PinkRelief

Sometimes, though, it’s the next day that really brings on the bloat or upset stomach.  Though the party may be over, there’s generally still plenty of relatives left to visit with and more fun to be had so I definitely do not want to be dragged down by digestive woes.  Pepto-Bismol is a terrific helper for resolvoing day-after-party-tummy-overindulgence-systems, too.  I also find the following remedies to generally be helpful:

  • Drinking water– Water helps curb any effects of dehydration I may have that are contributing to belly bloat and of course helps everything to move and flush from your system faster.
  • Exercising-  It may be the last thing I feel like doing, but walking or other light exercising can really help reduce stomach bloat quicker.
  • Drinking ginger or peppermint tea – both of these herbs are known tummy soothers and can do wonders.
  • Using my heating pad – cuddling up under my electric blanket for a bit or using a heating pad directly on my stomach area not only feels comforting, it can help reduce any cramps or fatigue my muscles may be feeling from the overindulgence.

What helps you recover quickly from holiday bloat or an upset stomach? I’d love to hear your ideas!  

For more information on Pepto-Bismol Products, visit


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Tags: health, holidays
Barb Webb. Founder and Editor of Rural Mom, is an the author of "Getting Laid" and "Getting Baked". A sustainable living expert nesting in Appalachian Kentucky, when she’s not chasing chickens around the farm or engaging in mock Jedi battles, she’s making tea and writing about country living and artisan culture.
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    • Nancy
    • December 22, 2015

    Pepto is my go-to! I love your extra tips, didn’t know water was so important but it makes perfect sense!

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