Eleventh Day of Book Gifting: Going OM

Eleventh Day of Book Gifting: Going OM

On the eleventh day of book gifting, Rural Mom suggests:

Going Om: Real-Life Stories on and off the Yoga Mat
I’m relatively new to practicing yoga having only dabbled recently in hopes of reducing stress and increasing my overall health.  So far, I love the video I’ve been practicing with and really enjoying the quiet, reflective time yoga offers.  It definitely does have a positive effect on my disposition each day and has delivered a much-needed outlet for me to slow down and take time for calming my otherwise busy multi-tasking mind!

Which is probably why I instantly gravitated toward reading Going Om when the title was first presented to me for review.  I found oodles of joy and inspiration in the pages that simply reinforced the fact that I was on the right track including yoga as part of my weekly routine.

Unlike books on yoga that provide instruction on technique, Going Om is a unique collection of personal narratives from celebrated authors. This anthology of original material values the quality of writing over the authors’ flexibility. Ira Sukrungruang shares his heartbreaking struggle as a 375 pound yoga student discovering self-worth on his mat; Gloria Munoz explores the practice of stillness with lyrical elegance in the midst of her busy mind; Neal Pollack’s signature sarcasm leads to surprising turns at yoga class with his dad; Elizabeth Kadetsky uses yogic wisdom while coping with her mother’s devastating Alzheimer’s.
Whether you are a yoga newbie like me, an advanced expert or just someone who is curious about the benefits of yoga and interested in enhancing your well-being, Going Om is a fabulous read to find under the Christmas tree!

Find more information at: Going Om: Real-Life Stories on and off the Yoga Mat

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Barb Webb. Founder and Editor of Rural Mom, is an the author of "Getting Laid" and "Getting Baked". A sustainable living expert nesting in Appalachian Kentucky, when she’s not chasing chickens around the farm or engaging in mock Jedi battles, she’s making tea and writing about country living and artisan culture.
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