Gift your tween a Daisy Pink or Red Ryder this Christmas!

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #ItsADaisy #CollectiveBias

My husband enjoys spending quality time with our daughters who are 15 and 11 years old. He and our oldest daughter enjoy archery together and are actually much better than myself or my youngest daughter. While I take my “hit or miss” approach to archery in stride, it was bothering my youngest that she just didn’t enjoy this sport. My husband had a solution though; he asked her if she would like to learn to shoot a BB gun like he did when he was about her age. 
#Daisy Ryder BB gun

Her face lit up like sunshine at his idea and we set about making it so. Since she had mentioned that she wanted to visit Bass Pro Shops Santa’s Wonderland again this year, my husband and I decided to let her pick her BB gun from their wide array of choices.  
Bass Pro Shops #Daisy BB gun selection

Once we arrived and found the BB gun section over in Recreational air gun section, Melissa’s eyes were immediately drawn to the pink Daisy 75th anniversary edition Ryder BB gun. Her daddy said that was a wonderful choice. He helped her pick out some Daisy safety glasses and Daisy ammunition.
While they were shopping, my husband was talking with her about gun safety and responsibility, which are vital for any young sportsman or woman to know. In fact, Daisy educates roughly one million of America’s youth a year through their Ten Lesson Shooting Curriculum about BB gun use and safety PDF found here
Daisy’s educational curriculumhas been around since 1948, they educate through partnerships with organizations like National Wild Turkey’s JAKES take aim, 4-H National shooting sports, Royal Rangers and many more; including fish and game, church and private camps. 
Bass Pro Shop free photo w/Santa
As promised, before leaving, we headed over to Santa’s Wonderland. If you have never visited Bass Pro Shop at Christmas time you are missing out! On our visit, the wonderland was packed with happy, laughing children and parents, us among them! Besides the trains, I think the favorite spot had to be Santa’s lap, where babies and kids were getting their photo taken with him!
We got lost in the delightful sound of children’s laughter and tried to take in all the magic that is Santa’s Wonderland! Here is a video to show you just a portion of this fun place.

@Bass_Pro_Shops #ItsADaisy #ad #Cbias

We didn’t want to make Melissa wait until Christmas to try out her new BB gun, although a Daisy BB gun is a really cool Christmas gift for any tween. So her Daddy decided to surprise her with her gift one day after school. He had it sitting on the front porch, just waiting for her to get home from school.  She was thrilled to see that it was Daddy daughter time!
Daisy BB gun surprise #gift
The very next day, they set up some cans for target practice. Before Melissa ever touched her Daisy, she had to repeat the basic safety rules her Daddy had taught her:
  • Always have an adult present when using your Daisy BB gun.
  • Always point your BB gun up or towards the ground, but never at a person or animal.
  • Always keep the safety on.
  • Always wear safety glasses.
Daddy teaches gun safety


Both Daddy and daughter were having a lot of fun talking about not only her new #ItsADaisy BB gun, but lots of other topics as well. From where I stood, it looked like her Daddy had picked an excellent sport for them to bond over. 
Daisy BB gun sighting lesson
They took turns shooting her Daisy, Daddy plinking a can more often than not, and her missing a little more than she wanted, but she kept at it with her Daddy’s help and before she knew it- Success!

Successful Daisy BB gun lesson
Do you have a tween who might enjoy seeing one of these Daisy Ryder BB guns under the Christmas tree, or for their birthday? I invite you to visit their website to learn more about all the BB gun models available follow them on Twitter and visit them on Facebook.
Win it:
Thanks to the generosity of Bass Pro Shops in partnership with #CollectiveBias, we are giving away $2000 worth of Bass Pro Shop gift cards! 4 winners will receive a $500 gift card each! 
Since these gift cards will notarrive for Christmas, plan to use them to purchase a Daisy BB gun for a special occasion in the New Year.  Entering is easy using the giveaway form below.
Terms: Rural Mom is not responsible for prize fulfillment. No purchase necessary to win. Winners must be 18+.  Read complete terms on the above entry form.

Daisy BB Sweepstakes – $2,000 in Bass Pro Shop Gift Cards

Good luck!


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Barb Webb. Founder and Editor of Rural Mom, is an the author of "Getting Laid" and "Getting Baked". A sustainable living expert nesting in Appalachian Kentucky, when she’s not chasing chickens around the farm or engaging in mock Jedi battles, she’s making tea and writing about country living and artisan culture.
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    • Dana Vee
    • December 9, 2014

    You had me at “PINK” I LOVE this.. so PERFECT.. thanks for the great idea.

    • Tough Cookie Mommy
    • December 9, 2014

    I can’t believe that these BB guns now come in pink for girls. That is the perfect color for them.

    • Frugal and Fun Mom
    • December 9, 2014

    My family loves the Bass Pro Shop. My hubby specifically took a trip to Orlando with my son and stayed over night just to go visit the store.

    • December 12, 2014

    What a great way for Daddy adn Daughter to bond! I can’t wait until my daughter is old enough , she can learn to shoot a BB gun with her daddy too like her brothers are doing now. #client

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