4 Ways to Hydrate Your Skin This Summer #H2OPlus

4 Ways to Hydrate Your Skin This Summer #H2OPlus


When you want to healthy summer skin that glows, then you know that keeping your skin hydrated is key. Properly hydrated skin will never look haggard and will certainly help keep you looking younger and happier. Because believe me, if your skin is happy, you are happy!
What are the best ways to hydrate your skin this summer? First things first, you must go to the source:

The Answer is Water

There’s no better way to stay hydrated and enjoy a perfect summer skin than drinking lots of water. How much water? Well, think about this. The human body is made of 60-70 percent water and only 30-40 percent solid mass. Dehydration can easily set in during a hot summer day. 
Most experts agree that your body is one of the best indicators.  If you feel thirsty, hydrate!  The Mayo Clinic suggests roughly 3 Liters per day for males and 2.2 Liters per day for females.  
If you love staying in the sun, add a few more sips. Remember, soft drinks and sodas do not deliver the same benefits as water. If you want to add a little flavor, use natural flavorings like a lemon twist or orange slice to your water to change things up. 
Load Up on Vitamin C
When it comes to hydration, one of the best boosters is Vitamin C. You can take it as a food supplement or just include in your diet foods that have loads of it. Oranges, lemons, strawberries, grapefruits, broccoli and parsley are full of Vitamin C and other minerals that just add that extra shine to your fresh summer skin.
Watermelon and Kiwi are also rich in Vitamin C and as an extra bonus, have plenty of hydrating juice inside, too. 
4 Ways to Hydrate Your Skin This Summer #H2OPlus


Eat Omega-3-Rich Foods
How can a fat keep your skin hydrated? The fatty acids in Omega-3 limit water loss in skin cells. As a result, they help your skin look fresh and hydrated all summer long. Omega-3 is also famous for softening the appearance of wrinkles and the best part is that you can find Omega-3 in very many foods: salmon, tuna, walnuts, almonds, avocado, olive oil – all great foods for summer dishes!
Use Body Care Products That Hydrate
We all know the right product can transform your skin in seconds from dull to refreshed, but it’s truly important to find a product that has lasting performance in keeping your skin hydrated.  
During a trip this spring to the Disney Social Media Moms conference in California, we were treated to H2O Plus Oasis Body Care products designed to replenish and renew sun-drenched skin.   The Oasis formula contains bioactive seawater which helps hydrate skin continuously for up to 24-hours.  
The light-weight formula of H2O Plus Oasis has a clean scent that reminds you of carefree summer days.  The result from using is renewed and hydrated skin that feels soft and looks refreshed.  It’s definitely a great addition to help alleviate dry skin woes in the summertime.  

True summer skin hydration comes from the inside and out, be sure to treat your skin well this summer!


4 Ways to Hydrate Your Skin This Summer #H2OPlus

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Barb Webb. Founder and Editor of Rural Mom, is an the author of "Getting Laid" and "Getting Baked". A sustainable living expert nesting in Appalachian Kentucky, when she’s not chasing chickens around the farm or engaging in mock Jedi battles, she’s making tea and writing about country living and artisan culture.
Sun Safety, Banana Boat and Lake Living Affordable Adventure | Free Style Camping


    • Tough Cookie Mommy
    • July 8, 2014

    As I’m getting older, I am starting to appreciate more the importance of keeping my skin hydrated during the warm weather months. These are some great tips for making sure our skin always looks moist and radiant.

    • Daisy Bryce
    • July 8, 2014

    I saw a shop with this brand of product in Las Vegas and have been wanting to try it ever since. It’s good to know someone that has used this brand. The Oasis formula sounds perfect for me since my skin is always to dry.

    • Linda Kinsman
    • July 10, 2014

    I try to keep my skin hydrated in the summer but sometimes feel it is a struggle. Your tips will come in handy. I really love the look and sound of the H2O Plus Oasis products you’ve shared here. I love clean scented anything!

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