Quick, Simple and Creative Ways To Organize Spices

Quick, Simple and Creative Ways To Organize Your Spices #DIY

Cinnamon, garlic, red pepper, cummin… there’s truly not very many spices I’ve encountered that haven’t found a way into my kitchen.  During my travels, I’ve picked up a wide array of seasonings, both fresh and bottled, and of course, I often dry my own herbs for use throughout the year.

The problem is, when you use a lot of spices, it’s easy for your kitchen to be overcome by a crazy hodge-podge, but there’s a lot to be said for an organized array of spices and seasonings. When you’re cooking, it saves time and trouble to be able to reach in and grab what you need.

And, it really helps eliminate those ‘spice disasters,’ such as putting paprika instead of cinnamon in your oatmeal!

To begin putting your spices in order, research for ideas on how you want to go about designing your spice area. You may choose to keep them stowed in a cabinet, on the counter in a neat display, on a magnetic strip, or in a creation all your own. However you choose to arrange them, you will want to have your plan and any equipment you need before you start.

Designate Area and Choose Equipment

The first step is deciding where and how you want to store your spices. If you have ample counter space you might decide to keep them out in the open. But, if you are short on space, using a small cabinet or a section of a larger cabinet might work well.

A great way to store your spices is inside the door of your pantry or cabinet with a narrow spice rack. You can find spice racks that install in your cupboard and slide out or down for easy access.

(We reviewed a handy product last year that proved very helpful for cabinet storage, the Chef’s Edition Spice Stack – more info here: https://ruralmom.com/2013/11/give-gift-of-organization-chefs-edition.html)

Location is also important.  Although that space above your stove looks convenient, it may not be the best storage spot. The heat that rises in that area is not good for the spices, and reaching over hot pots and burners is not good for you. Pick a space that is convenient for you but also safe.

Gather Your Spices

Right now, your spices may be scattered to the four corners of your kitchen. You’ll need to begin by gathering all your spices so you can inventory them.

First, check for any out of date spices and use them for compost or discard them. Some expired spices like cinnamon may still be good for use for non-cooking purposes like potpourri, too.  Before disposing of them, research a little to see if there is an alternative use to re-purpose the outdated spice.

Next, check each spice to see if it still has vibrant color and smell. If a spice looks dull and faded or has lost it’s aroma, it’s likely not good for culinary use anymore. If a spice seems to be clumpy, hard-packed, or smells musty, it could be time for the trash.

Finally, combine duplicate spices, if possible. If you’re like me, you’ve bought spices when you’re not sure if you have the one you need for a recipe. Once you have your spices combined, you’ll know what you have and you’ll be ready to organize them.

Create Your Own Spice Style

Depending on your space, your cooking style, and even your personality, you’ll find several ways to organize your spices to suit your needs. Here are a couple suggestions:

Alphabetical – This is pretty self-explanatory. If straight lines and color-coded clothes closets appeal to you, this may be your style. No matter what storage arrangement you choose, you can easily start from left to right and stick the spices in alphabetical order. Even a round turntable works for this. Just pick a starting point and spin around, alphabetizing as you go. Some of the larger items may not fit on the rack within your alphabetized spaces, but that’s okay. You can keep those items organized separately or by using one of the other tips below.

Type of Use – This method works well especially if you think about doing different types of cooking, such as barbequing, baking, and all the indoor cooking, separately. Keep spices used in specific areas in separate storage units close to the barbeque, or baking, or next to the stove. This type of organization can save time if you set up your kitchen in specific cooking work stations.

Categories – This style of organizing spices may only make sense to one person when they see it – you. But that’s okay. You may want to separate your spices by savory and sweet, or by spicy or mild, or even by the type of food they go in. You may even want to separate your spices in categories as simple as “I use these all the time.” to “I rarely use these.” Whatever makes sense to you are your spice categories.

Organizing your spice cabinet can be accomplished in many different ways. The important thing is to design a plan that works best with your particular cooking style and needs.  Once you have the spices organized, simply maintain with a weekly check to ensure everything is in it’s place and ready for you to whip up your next culinary delight!

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Barb Webb. Founder and Editor of Rural Mom, is an the author of "Getting Laid" and "Getting Baked". A sustainable living expert nesting in Appalachian Kentucky, when she’s not chasing chickens around the farm or engaging in mock Jedi battles, she’s making tea and writing about country living and artisan culture.
Blank Slate and More - Cocktails Under 150 Calories Keep Your Kitchen and Your Family Organized with the Thirty-One Hang-Up Home Organizer


    • Grace
    • January 27, 2014

    I never really thought of organizing my spices according to the food it goes into but since I do cook different types of ethnic foods then this may work for me. Thanks so much for all the great suggestions.

    • Courtney Gillard
    • January 27, 2014

    I needed this. My spice cupboard is absolutely pathetic right now.

    • Darlene http://adventuresofamiddleagemom.com
    • January 27, 2014

    I alphabetize my spices and keep them in two drawers next to my stovetop…except for baking spices, which I keep in the butler’s pantry with other baking supplies. That said, the spices start running around when I’m not looking, which comes from having more than one cook in the house! It’s time to round them up, separate them, and put them away properly. Thanks for the good tips.

    • Daisy B
    • January 27, 2014

    We need to organize our spices. It’s kind of scary to open our cabinets right now. My husband asked me to think about organizing. 😉

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