My 14 Day Gluten Free Journey with Udi’s Results

Udis Gluten Free Dark Chocolate Brownies Box

Though I knew I needed to (for health reasons) and I had already began incorporating some gluten free foods into my diet, I hadn’t gone completely gluten free.  15 days ago I embarked on a 14 Day Gluten Free Journey inspired by Udi’s and now I’m convinced this is where I need to be.

Why?  Here’s the quick run-down of things that happened over the past two weeks:

  • My belly bloat has nearly vanished.  Particularly the puffy bump I’d often get in my upper mid-section (above the belly button.)  Gone- poof!  Hurray!
  • Which in turn, makes my jeans fit better and makes me feel less self-conscious about muffin top. I even had to wear a belt with a favorite pair of jeans, a great feeling.
  • I lost 6 pounds.  This was totally unexpected and a highly welcome result.  Whether that was weight my body was retaining from gluten overload or the result of generally making healthier diet choices, I’ll take it!
  • I’m more focused.  I didn’t realize I had as much brain fog as I did until it was gone.  Mornings prior to 98 percent gluten free (I had a minor slip up or two) were more difficult.  Now I find that I’m waking up quickly, ready to go, and feeling more well rested.
I also learned a lot about gluten free along the way that I didn’t know before, including how many hidden glutens there are in foods we wouldn’t suspect like ice cream, soups, and lunch meat.  Even vitamins, shampoos, and mouthwashes can contain gluten.  This has been a real eye opener and I’m beginning to get more adept at reading labels and researching products. has some excellent resources.
Udi’s didn’t only provide the inspiration for me to go 100 percent gluten free but they’ve certainly made it 100 percent easier to accomplish by offering all my favorite staples like pizza crust, muffins, and rolls in gluten free form.  But not only are they gluten free, they are delicious and quite frankly, I find the Udi’s gluten free foods to be on par, often better than my old gluten-filled go-to’s.
Where will I go from here?  Straight to enjoying a celebratory Udi’s Gluten Free Brownie Stack!
Udis Gluten Free Dark Chocolate Brownies Stack in a glass

And next up is working on making my kitchen more gluten free. Did you know that when you bake with wheat flour residual flour dust can stay in the air for up to 24 hours, and certainly finds its way into cracks and crevices.  The trick for holiday baking will be to sanitize and make my gluten free items first.

While I expect I will not be 100 percent gluten free 100 percent of the time due to hidden glutens and the occasional sampling/restaurant visit/vacation and so, I plan to stay as gluten free as possible in my dietary choices because it makes me a much happy, healthier, focused, and less bloated me!

Thanks to Udi’s for the inspiration, education, and amazing gluten free product choices!

Do you think that you may be gluten sensitive? 

If you have fatigue, GI distress, unexplained weight loss/gain, infertility, inability to concentrate, or tingling/numbness in legs, you may be contending with Celiac Disease or a Gluten Intolerance. Be sure to open up a dialogue with your doctor if you have concerns.

If you’ve been considering or already embarking on a gluten free diet, join me in the 14 day challenge, or follow along as I’ll continue to report my findings along the way.

If you are interested in sampling Udi’s Gluten Free foods, check out their $1 off coupon offer at

Disclosure: I received product and information from Udi’s for review purposes. All thoughts and opinions are solely that of Rural Mom. I am choosing to participate in the 14 day Gluten Free Challenge for personal health reasons, I am not receiving compensation for my time or communications. Email This

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Barb Webb. Founder and Editor of Rural Mom, is an the author of "Getting Laid" and "Getting Baked". A sustainable living expert nesting in Appalachian Kentucky, when she’s not chasing chickens around the farm or engaging in mock Jedi battles, she’s making tea and writing about country living and artisan culture.
Unjuking Our Neighborhood with UNREAL Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF


    • Grace Hodgin
    • October 17, 2012

    This looks so delicious and as I read your review I knew I need to try this brand and use it for my family.

    • melanie a/k/a CrazyMom
    • October 17, 2012

    I’ve bought a few Udi’s Gluten Free Brownies a few month ago and absolutely loved them; I never thought of making a special treat; loved it. I’m so glad you guys enjoyed them as much as my family did.

    • Courtney G
    • October 17, 2012

    It’s funny to find your post, because I’ve been thinking about cutting gluten. I don’t think I’m sensitive to it, but I’d like to see if it can drop a few pounds for me.

    • mail4rosey
    • October 17, 2012

    Yay, it’s nice to read the outcomes of someone who actually did it!

    • Pam
    • October 17, 2012

    All right! That is great. I think I really need to do this. I am in a fog all of the time lately and am finding it extremely hard to get anything done.

    • Crystal Threeprncs
    • October 17, 2012

    That looks so good. I still need to talk to my doc about this. I truly think I just might be Gluten sensitive.

    • Roxi Santiago
    • October 18, 2012

    Hmm, I’d like to know if I am gluten sensitive or just eating really bad. I do have a sweet tooth but not so much that I keep a stack of chocolates or candies at home. Just to have something to nibble on after eating a somewhat salty food.

    • Barbara Mascareno-Shaw
    • October 18, 2012

    I’ve read the great benefit of living a gluten-free diet. I would have to try these brownies soon.

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