How To Overcome General Anxiety

We all have times in our lives when we might be feeling anxious. If it ends up consuming you and taking over your life, though, you may need to do something about it. Anxiety tends to creep up when you aren’t expecting it or can be triggered by something. Perhaps you had an incident at work and now you feel crippling anxiety at something similar happening again and it is all you can think about. Maybe you now relate this to other areas in your life and blow things out of proportion in your head. 

No matter what it is and why you suffer, having anxiety isn’t fun. You can feel physical symptoms such as heart palpitations, dizziness and extreme thirst, as well as fatigue, fear, dread and just overall feelings of sadness and worry. If you are experiencing this at the moment, it’s important to remember that all is not lost and there are things you can do to feel like yourself again. Keep on reading to find out some tips on how you can help relieve your symptoms.

Try and find the root cause of your anxiety

Sometimes you feel anxious for no reason, and it is just programmed into the way your brain is wired. Other times there might be a root cause. For a lot of women anxiety can come linked with hormones. Perhaps there is a hormonal imbalance or perhaps it affects at a certain time in your cycle. For other people it can be triggered by an event or circumstance that has happened in life and make you feel worried about it happening again. This can lead to an obsession that can cause your mental health to spiral out of control.

Try to find out what has caused it (if anything) and if there is anything you can do to combat it this way. Sometimes just identifying why you feel a certain way about something can be enough for you to realize what can be done to fix how you feel.

Take care of your overall health

When we are eating poorly, not exercising and just generally not taking care of ourselves, it can have a knock-on effect on our mental health. With this in mind, try and take care of yourself on all fronts. Cook nutritious and well-balanced meals. Head out on runs or go to the gym. Also give yourself a pamper every now and then. 

Speak with friends and loved ones

No-one has to suffer with anxiety alone, so don’t be afraid to speak to your friends and loved ones if you find you are feeling down and not quite yourself. You can find that sometimes a problem you have built up in your head feels a lot smaller when you have shared it with people you love. They can help you to find a solution or just offer a safe space where you can vent, talk and listen to their advice and solutions. A problem shared is a problem halved, remember! Plus, they will be pleased you shared your thoughts and want to help you out.

Find alternative methods that can help you 

As well as the above, you could try and find other methods that can help you. An example can be CBDfx products which can help you to feel less anxious in your daily life. You could also look into things such as meditation, journaling and yoga to help you.

Don’t be afraid to talk to a professional

If you have tried the above, (or even if you haven’t yet) it can always help to talk to a professional. A professional will know what to do to help you sort out and fix your anxiety, particularly if it is on the more severe end or you have suffered with it for a while.

These are just a few top tips that can help you to overcome general anxiety in your life and hopefully have you feeling better about yourself again. Having anxiety isn’t something to be ashamed of. More people than ever are open about their mental health struggles nowadays, meaning it’s even more acceptable to talk about it in public or with your work. Ensure you put yourself first and take these symptoms seriously as mental health isn’t something to make light of. What are some top tips you have for overcoming general anxiety? Let us know in the comments below what worked for you and if you have any advice that might help.

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Barb Webb. Founder and Editor of Rural Mom, is an the author of "Getting Laid" and "Getting Baked". A sustainable living expert nesting in Appalachian Kentucky, when she’s not chasing chickens around the farm or engaging in mock Jedi battles, she’s making tea and writing about country living and artisan culture.
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