5 TED Talks on Aging That Will Inspire You

Losing my sense of purpose is one of the unexpected things that started happening to me after my youngest son got his driver’s license. I had to begin facing the reality that I was no longer a “mom” in the nurturing, traditional sense of the word that I’d known for thirty years of my life. I had to ask “what’s next?” “What now?”

Thankfully, the questions I was asking had me looking forward because that’s absolutely the direction I needed to go.

It’s easy to get stuck in the loop of looking back and wondering how the years slipped by. It’s an odd spot to be in when you’ve fulfilled your dreams, carried through and successfully raised your children. There’s a wonderful sense of accomplishment but there’s also a scary uncertainty to know one season has ended and having to figure out how to gracefully move to the next.

5 TED Talks on Aging That Will Inspire You To Live Life on Your Own Terms

What’s Next?

Eighteen years ago, I wrote a list, asking myself “What do I really want?” Fulling that list fills me with joy. It’s time now, though, for a new list. What do I really want in this next phase of life?

Two things on my list that I knew I absolutely wanted to continue are exploring the world and being of service to others. From that has sprung the idea of Second Season Travel.

I haven’t completed my list, though.

As I move through this phase of uncertainty, I know I need help from experts who have walked (and are walking) the road already. Along the path of exploration I’ve uncovered some true gems. These five TED Talks on aging have inspired me to not only live my next phase of life on my own terms, but to really dig deep. If you are at a cross-roads or wondering “what’s next?” have a listen.

I hope you will find these brilliant TED Talks on aging as inspiring as I do.  And I hope they will help you pave new trails as we journey forward!

A Woman Over 50: A Life Unleashed

TED Talks on Aging: What’s Wrong With Dying?

Dare to Question Why We Are So Afraid of Getting Older

TED Talks on Aging: The Secret To Successful Aging

TEDxWomen — Jane Fonda

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Barb Webb. Founder and Editor of Rural Mom, is an the author of "Getting Laid" and "Getting Baked". A sustainable living expert nesting in Appalachian Kentucky, when she’s not chasing chickens around the farm or engaging in mock Jedi battles, she’s making tea and writing about country living and artisan culture.
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