Farmer’s Market Recipe – Peach Cobbler Kolaczki

Every time I visit a farmer’s market, I have a habit of bringing a lot more home than I intend to.  Not such a bad thing, but it does leave me often trying to sort out exactly what to do with all the farm fresh goodness.

During my stay in Woodstock, Georgia, I discovered so many delights at the farmer’s market, I had to have some shipped home!  When I stopped at Bettie’s Blueberry Jams & Jellies tent, I immediately knew I was in for suitcase over-load.

With over 70 varieties of jellies and jams including pepper jellies, tomato, watermelon, cranberry, rhubarb and a multitude of wonderful combinations like peach cobbler, Bettie’s is like jelly and jam nirvana!

Farmer's Market Recipe - Peach Cobbler Kolaczki

From Farmer’s Market to Peach Cobbler Kolaczki

The owner of Bettie’s Blueberry Jams & Jellies stumbled into selling her homemade jars at the Woodstock Farmer’s Market after helping a local farmer who had an abundance of blueberries to sell.  She thought she’d whip up some jams and jellies “just like grandma used to make” to gift.

With an abundance left over, she rented a tent at the market in Woodstock in hopes of selling some and the rest is Farmer’s Market history.

Bettie’s spirit is bright and her zest for the joys of life show up in her vibrant and wholesome jams.  The label ingredients are pure and easy-to-understand.

Product samplings are available at the market but do use some caution because after you sample one, you simply must have it!

Farmer's Market Recipe - Peach Cobbler Kolaczki

Note: If you can’t make it to the Woodstock Farmer’s Market, no worries, contact Bettie’s Blueberry Jams & Jellies via their website ( to see if shipping is available to your area.

So… with the abundance of great jellies and jams, comes great responsibility!  What to do with it all?

The very first thing I thought of was my grandmother’s Polish Kolaczki.  These ridiculously delicious cookies were a favorite treat during my childhood, and I simply crave them during special occasions.  They are the best buttery beds for any jelly or jam, but in particular, I thought they would be an amazing compliment to Bettie’s Blueberry Jams & Jellies Peach Cobbler.

Indeed, I was spot on!  These may be the best end-of-summer celebration treat I’ve created to date.

I hope you enjoy this recipe as much as my family does.  If you have a favorite jam or jelly from your Farmer’s Market, simply swap it in.  I also made a few with pineapple jelly.  Kolaczkis are a great way to use your favorites in a new way!

Farmer's Market Recipe - Peach Cobbler Kolaczki

Peach Cobbler Kolaczki Recipe


12 ounces butter (3 sticks)
1 (8 ounce) package of cream cheese
3 cups of all-purpose flour
2 jars of Bettie’s Blueberry Jams & Jellies Peach Cobbler (or any jam or jelly flavor of your choice)
and Powdered sugar and sugar (not to be added to dough, it’s for rolling dough and dusting cookies)

Dough Making Directions

Remove butter and cream cheese from the refrigerator and allow to warm to room temperature (generally takes about 1 hour.)

In a large mixing bowl, add cream cheese and butter. Beat until fully mixed and fluffy light.

Sift flour. Add sifted flour, 1 cup at a time to cream cheese and butter mix. Fully incorporate flour into the mix before adding the next cup.

Next, divide dough into three equal parts. Gentle round dough into a ball. Place ball of dough on clean surface. Gently flatten the top of the ball of dough with your palm (turning it into a cylinder-like shape.)

Wrap each section of dough in plastic wrap and refrigerator overnight (or for at least 1 hour.)

Dough Rolling Directions

When sufficiently chilled, remove 1 ball of dough from the refrigerator.

Preheat oven to 350 Fahrenheit.

In a small bowl, mix 1/2 cup sugar with 1/2 cup of powdered sugar. Sprinkle a pinch or two of the sugar mix on a dough mat or clean surface.

Place the dough in the center of the sugared mat and begin rolling the dough. The dough will initially be a little stiff/ hard to roll out. Just use a little muscle power to get it going! Continue to roll until dough is flattened to a 1/4-inch thick.

Use a butter knife to cut dough into 2-inch by 2-inch squares. Trim away excess dough and move it to the side.

Next, place a 1/2 teaspoon of peach cobbler jam to the center of each square.

Note: If the jam or jelly you are using is thick, you can add a little more. If you are using a thin set jelly, stick to 1/2 teaspoon. Thin jellies tend to spread out more during baking and may leak off the cookie dough if applied too heavily.

Pick up two of the opposite ends of the square dough, bring them to the center of the cookie and overlap one end of the dough over the other (as illustrated below.) Pinch the dough gently where it overlaps to help seal it. Continue this process until all squares of dough are formed into traditional Kolaczki shape.

Farmer's Market Recipe - Peach Cobbler Kolaczki

Gently press together dough bits you trimmed off and flatten them out to 1/4-inch thick. If the dough is getting a little sticky, dust it with sugar mix and continue rolling. Cut remaining dough into 2-inch by 2-inch squares, place jam in center, fold and place on baking sheet.

Remove second dough packet from the refrigerator and repeat rolling and filling process. Remove third dough packet from the refrigerator and repeat rolling and filling process.

Dough Baking Directions

Prepare baking sheets, covering each with parchment paper.  Place cookies on baking sheet about 1-inch apart.

Bake peach cobbler Kolaczki for 12 to 15 minutes, or until edges start to brown. Remove from oven, life parchment paper with cookies onto a baking rack. Dust cookies with sugar mixture.

Cool cookies for 15 minutes prior to serving. Serve and enjoy!

Remaining Kolaczki may be stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator for 2-3 days. After a few days, the cookies will become soggy, so it’s a great excuse to enjoy them sooner rather than later!

Farmer's Market Recipe - Peach Cobbler Kolaczki

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Tags: dessert, farm fresh, farmers market, rural lifestyle
Barb Webb. Founder and Editor of Rural Mom, is an the author of "Getting Laid" and "Getting Baked". A sustainable living expert nesting in Appalachian Kentucky, when she’s not chasing chickens around the farm or engaging in mock Jedi battles, she’s making tea and writing about country living and artisan culture.
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