How to Create More Privacy in Your Backyard

Living in your own home can come with a variety of obstacles and challenges. One of these will be how you can create a private, safe, and secure environment for you and your family to live in. When it comes to doing this for the home itself, it is often fairly straightforward as the only way people can invade your privacy is by looking through your windows or entering your property. However, when it comes to your backyard, things can become a little more tricky to make private. If you are looking to spend a bit more time in your backyard, but feel as if you do not have the privacy levels with which you feel comfortable, take a look at some of these ideas, and consider whether they are viable options for you to pursue.

Build a shelter

If you want to spend a lot of time in your garden, no matter what the weather is doing, then building a shelter might be the option for you. Not only will you have added protection from the elements, but it will help to section off parts of your backyard from anyone who is nosey enough to try and peer in, and see what you are doing. There are many different styles of garden shelters that you can research and choose from.

It all comes down to personal preference and budget availability. You could for example opt for an open shelter that simply has a roof upon four poles, or you could decide that an enclosed shelter is something more to your taste.

How to Create More Privacy in Your Backyard

Install a high fence

A simple solution to creating more privacy in your backyard is to simply install a tall fence. If you have the skills, knowledge, and tools, this could even be a fun DIY project that you take on with a friend or family member. Sometimes, all it takes is a few extra feet on a fence to give you the comfort that you desire when it comes to your privacy.

Plant trees or hedges around your borders

If you are not a fan of tall imposing fences or feel like you are barricading your garden up against your neighbors, then another option that you could consider doing is planting trees or hedges along your fence line. Trees such as wax myrtle are great options to consider as they are fast-growing trees that provide a large, and natural coverage to help provide a natural privacy barrier. Another benefit to adding trees or hedges into your garden is that you will create natural shaded spots, and be helping the local wildlife by giving them extra habitat to use.

So, whether it is because you want to sit and relax in your garden to enjoy the flowers that you have planted, or to provide a safe space for your children and other family members to play in, why not consider one of these options for creating a more private environment in your backyard?

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Barb Webb. Founder and Editor of Rural Mom, is an the author of "Getting Laid" and "Getting Baked". A sustainable living expert nesting in Appalachian Kentucky, when she’s not chasing chickens around the farm or engaging in mock Jedi battles, she’s making tea and writing about country living and artisan culture.
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