How To Help Your New Dog Settle In Your Home

Dogs make fantastic pets for all kinds of reasons. They are loyal, they are loving, and they help us to get more social and exercise more. So, if you have recently decided to add a dog to your household, it’s important you know how to help your dog settle in as much as possible.

When you do this, you can ensure they are happy and can become an integral part of the family. Plus, no one will be stressed! Read on to find out more about what you need to do and have in place to help your new dog settle in your home.

Give Them A Safe Space

There is no doubt that your dog is going to be stressed when you first bring it home. No matter whether it’s a puppy or an older dog, no matter whether it came from a rescue center or you bought it from a breeder. The dog is going to be confused and potentially scared. After all, you can’t explain why it’s suddenly in a brand new place full of brand new smells and people.  

This is why you have to make a safe space for them. This essentially needs to be a place where they can hide and feel safe when they want to. It’s likely they will want to initially hide. Even if they seem to be quite sociable, it’s crucial to give them this place to go so they can get some peace and regroup.

A crate might be a good solution, although not everyone is happy to use those. Their bed in the corner of a quiet room could work.

Do remember to keep the door open for them. Also, when they are in their quiet place, leave them there. It can be tempting to try to get them to join in with everyone else, but this could make them feel more anxious.  

Check For Hazards

Your home might be perfectly safe for you and your family, but that doesn’t mean it’s safe for your new dog. Make sure you understand what things in the home might be hazardous to dogs. Remove them, or at least put them out of the dog’s reach.

Examples of hazards include some indoor plants (like tulips and aloe vera), as well as any area they might get stuck in, especially if you are out of the house when this happens. 

Clear away hazards or invest in a baby gate so you can keep your dog in a safe area. You’ll feel much more at ease, and your dog will stay safe. 

Get The Right Food

You might think that all dog food is the same, but that’s not the case. Dogs, despite their reputation for being somewhat greedy, can actually be quite fussy eaters.

If you’re adopting a rescue dog, learn what it has been eating at the shelter. Make sure you have the same food at home so it feels familiar. 

Of course, fresh dog food is the best solution. If you want to switch your new pet over to that, do, but also build up to it so it is a gradual process. Check out Freshpet reviews to see what the benefits of fresh dog food are and why it’s a good idea. 

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Barb Webb. Founder and Editor of Rural Mom, is an the author of "Getting Laid" and "Getting Baked". A sustainable living expert nesting in Appalachian Kentucky, when she’s not chasing chickens around the farm or engaging in mock Jedi battles, she’s making tea and writing about country living and artisan culture.
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