How To Cut Down On Your Household’s Monthly Bills

According to a recent study, U.S. households are spending an extra $327 a month due to inflation. This is particularly concerning for those who were already adopting frugal living habits before the year began, as it means each dollar must be stretched further. As such, if you’re looking for ways to save money around the home – you’re not alone. Thankfully, there are many guides out there that you can use to get a better handle on your budget and your spending – all while improving your financial situation. However, one of the most effective methods at your disposal is to find a way to cut down on your household’s monthly bills, for things such as electricity, water and groceries. 

With that in mind, here are some top tips for lowering those pesky bills! 

Water Bills 

Discovering ways to cut down on your water bills can be tough, especially if you enjoy nice long showers in the morning. While you could work to cut back on your water use, such as by ensuring you fill up the sink before washing dishes instead of leaving the tap running, one of the most effective ways to cut down on this bill is to use a rainwater tank.

For example, rainwater collection tanks, such as poly tanks, will reduce the amount of water you need from other providers. 

How To Cut Down On Your Household's Monthly Bills

Electricity Bills 

Your electricity bill is likely one of the biggest expenses you’ll encounter, as electricity plays an essential role in many different areas of the home. Thankfully, there are many ways you can cut down on these costs. For example, you could switch to renewable energy providers, which makes your home more energy-efficient, giving you the chance to  live a more eco-friendly life. It also means you can reduce your overall energy/electricity consumption. 

Another way in which you can lower these bills is by ensuring you’re working with the right provider. Use a price comparison site to see if other companies will charge you less each month – and make the switch if necessary. Sometimes, the threat of transferring to another provider means your current energy provider will offer you a better deal.  

How To Cut Down On Your Household's Monthly Bills

Grocery bills 

Whether you’re shopping for a growing family or just yourself and your partner, there’s no denying that groceries can get expensive – especially if you are trying to follow a healthy lifestyle. However, there are many ways in which you can reduce your weekly grocery bills. For example, you could start to shop locally at markets and smaller stores as opposed to chain brands, where prices are often higher.

You can also put your gardening skills to the test by  growing your own fruits and vegetables. This means you’ll have almost everything you need to maintain a healthy diet in your backyard – whether you grow organic carrots , or peppers.

This, again, is a great way to begin to live more sustainably, as you’re reducing the demand you place on mass-produced or farmed goods. It also means you’re teaching your kids a range of useful outdoor skills. 

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Barb Webb. Founder and Editor of Rural Mom, is an the author of "Getting Laid" and "Getting Baked". A sustainable living expert nesting in Appalachian Kentucky, when she’s not chasing chickens around the farm or engaging in mock Jedi battles, she’s making tea and writing about country living and artisan culture.
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