4 Quick Ways to Make Your Bedroom a More Tranquil Space

Do you ever come home after a frustrating day of work, only to find that laying in bed isn’t as relaxing as you hoped it would be? Do you have trouble sleeping? Or do you get sleepy, then head to your bedroom and suddenly feel wide awake? It could be that your sleep space needs a little dose of tranquility.

If you feel your bedroom should be a relaxing place to escape from life, try these quick fixes. Adapt the ideas to your environment and soon your bedroom will be your own tranquil sanctuary.

Limit the Lighting

If your room looks like a bright nail salon when the lights are on, you may have a big problem. Simply switching out your bulbs to natural lighting or a softer light can make a dramatic difference.

Install a dimmer to help control the intensity of the lights. Soft lighting helps to make a bedroom a more comfortable place. Plus it won’t jar you awake while you’re searching for your pajamas prior to sleeping.

By limiting or relaxing the light, you allow yourself the opportunity to calmly unwind a little bit faster.

Think about other lights in your room, too. According to the American Sleep Association, light from electronic devices can disrupt your sleep cycle, too. Does your alarm clock or Alexa stay on all night? Turn the screens off when you want some quality rest. Move or turn them to block the light from your view.

A television is also a culprit in robbing you of sleep. The best advice is to remove the television from your bedroom or to not turn it on prior to laying down to sleep. It not only adds too much light to your bedroom (especially when you fall asleep with it still on,) the television also disturbs your sleep cycle with distracting noise.

4 Quick Ways to Make Your Bedroom a More Tranquil Space

Reduce the Noise

Listening to music in the bedroom is one thing, but if there is a lot of outside noise coming in, then you lose the ability to relax fully because of background noise. There are many things you can do to remedy this, but the only 100% solution would be to tear the whole room apart and soundproof it.

Since that isn’t an option for most people, there are a few alternatives to look at. If there are any noisy appliances in the room, put them somewhere else. If there is a loud spot in one part of the wall, you could hang some sound-dampening foam.

If noise is coming from outside, consider replacing the windows, or at least the seals and weatherstripping. Worn seals allow air to enter which will bring sound with it.

Ambient noise machines can be helpful, too. Or consider wearing sleep-friendly earplugs to help you shut out the unwanted background noises.

Remove the Clutter

The first step to getting better sleep is to isolate your bedroom from activit and dirstractions. If there’s a computer, guitar amplifier, or anything distracting other than a bed, consider a) moving it into another room or b) camoflauging it. Items like laptops, backpacks, camping gear, socks and such can easily be tucked away in baskets. Out of sight, out of mind!

A clean room is also a happy room. Use the proper storage tools to organize your belongings. Superio Brand’s newest decorative Ribbed Storage Collection adds a stylish touch. With calming colors like grey, taupe and lilac, they also add a touch of serenity. From laundry baskets to trinket holders for your night stand, you can find a solution to organize and better manage your bedroom clutter.

By keeping your clutter in check, you allow yourself to view your bedroom as a relaxing place to be.

4 Quick Ways to Make Your Bedroom a More Tranquil Space

Ease up on the Decorations

Your bedroom walls should be neutral. It shouldn’t look like a masterpiece painting, but it also should not be plain white either.

When relaxing people often times like to look at soothing images, so consider getting a landscape poster of somewhere special and putting it along a wall, or put a photograph up that brings back fond memories. Anything to trigger happy feelings in the brain will help you feel more comfortable in your bedroom. However, a line must be drawn somewhere. Place too many images in the room and your brain begins getting flustered by the many images that surround it.

The question you need to ask is: do you want your bedroom to be a showpiece in your home or a sanctuary. It can be both, but you’ll have to tone down the amount of art and vibrant colors.

Find what works best for you. Maybe you need one of these quick fixes, or maybe you need them all. You may also consider adding special touches like adding a little fountain because you find the sound relaxing or purchasing soft pillows because they provide comfort.  Making the space your own while keeping it simple, dim, and quiet will greatly enhance your ability to relax in the bedroom.

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Tags: bedroom, cleaning, organize
Barb Webb. Founder and Editor of Rural Mom, is an the author of "Getting Laid" and "Getting Baked". A sustainable living expert nesting in Appalachian Kentucky, when she’s not chasing chickens around the farm or engaging in mock Jedi battles, she’s making tea and writing about country living and artisan culture.
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