4 Simple But Effective Hacks That Make House Cleaning A Breeze

House cleaning is not the most exciting of activities. 

While it’s nice to have a clean house, it’s not exactly an enjoyable process. It’s time-consuming and rather dull. Many people find it a chore, but with the right mindset and some handy hacks, you can turn this task into something that won’t stress you out quite as much. 

It might take more time up front, but once you implement these tricks once or twice, they will become second nature.

Follow along these four cleaning hacks:

Use storage containers

Keeping your house tidy is all about keeping things organized. 

This is especially true for your kitchen and laundry rooms. It’s where most people store their cleaning supplies so it’s important to have them in large plastic containers so you can see what’s inside at a glance and they don’t get dusty. 

This will save you time and energy as you won’t have to dig through bags to find what you’re looking for. Also, make sure to keep your bathroom and bedroom neat and tidy too. There’s nothing worse than getting ready for the day and having to move clothing and other items out of the way so you can walk around. 

For the bathroom, keep cleaning products on the shelves and make sure your toiletries are all in one place.

Declutter regularly

While it might seem like more work, decluttering your home on a regular basis can save you a bit of time and make your life a lot easier. 

By removing unnecessary items from your house, you remove the need for storage space and make cleaning easier. 

You can also make use of these items in other ways, like donating them or selling them on the internet to clear out clutter. If you have a regular decluttering schedule, you won’t have to spend as much time cleaning and organizing your house because you’ll have less stuff to worry about. 

The best way to declutter is to start with your clothes. Separate clothes into piles for donation, items for repair, things to sell, and things to toss. 

From there, you can use the same system for other rooms in your house. Make sure to check off each room each time you declutter so you don’t forget any of them!

4 Simple But Effective Hacks That Make House Cleaning A Breeze

Create a chore rotation

If you have a lot of cleaning to do, you might be overwhelmed by it all. 

The best way to combat this feeling is to make a cleaning schedule for your house. This way, you have a guide that tells you what needs to be done and when. You can rotate the chores so that no one thing becomes too much of a hassle. 

The best way to do this is by making a chart and marking everything down so you can refer to it each day. Once you have your cleaning schedule, stick to it. 

It might help to write it down on your calendar too so that you don’t forget to do anything. If you have friends or family members living with you, sit down with them and discuss what needs to be done when so that no one feels slighted by the tasks they’re given.

Hire professionals for the big stuff

There are some cleaning tasks that you should leave to the professionals. If you have a large house, a yard that needs attention, or you’re dealing with a room that is too dangerous to clean, it’s a good idea to hire a service to do the heavy lifting for you. 

Cleaning companies often have special deals for new customers, so it’s a good idea to call around and see which one suits your needs best. 

You won’t want to figure out all about  dryer vent cleaning on your own without the help of professionals.

If you have a particularly large house, it might make more sense to hire a window cleaning company that can come to your house once a month instead of trying to do it all yourself.


House cleaning is a necessary task that no one really enjoys. It’s a chore that is best done when it’s done quickly and efficiently. 

The best way to get through a cleaning session is by having the right mindset and knowing the best ways to approach your cleaning tasks so that you can save time and energy. 

From keeping your cleaning supplies organized to knowing which tasks to hire out, there are plenty of ways that you can hack your house cleaning.

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Tags: cleaning, home repair
Barb Webb. Founder and Editor of Rural Mom, is an the author of "Getting Laid" and "Getting Baked". A sustainable living expert nesting in Appalachian Kentucky, when she’s not chasing chickens around the farm or engaging in mock Jedi battles, she’s making tea and writing about country living and artisan culture.
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