4 Ways to Reduce Parenting Anxiety

Did you know that parenting is considered to be one of the most challenging responsibilities as an adult? This is a chapter of your life where you’ll spend a lot of time wondering why you had children, because it’s not in your nature to be selfless as a human being. Human beings are inherently selfish, but children force you not to be selfish. It forces you away from your comfort zone, and children are very needy little people – as they should be!

The problem is that with parenting comes a lot of insecurities and anxieties, and as parenting is such a huge task you start to notice the world around you. You noticed the global warming and the war and the threats happening in your neighborhood. You notice the e-numbers and food and the issues with farming. These things all contribute to high levels of anxiety, and that can be really difficult to manage. Below, we’ve got four ways to reduce your parenting anxiety.

Speak to a professional.

Heading to a therapist, you can make sure that your parental anxiety doesn’t disrupt your everyday life. Some counselors like to recommend cannabis for anxiety, but as long as you’re using a cannabis odor eliminator, you can reduce your anxiety and keep your home smelling nice. Other therapists will be able to help you by talking you through your anxiety and ensuring that you have the best course of action to alleviate your symptoms. Anxiety is a beast to live with and you deserve to feel comfortable.

Accept the fact that you are human.

As a parent, you are going to make mistakes. The way you may have been treated in your childhood may not sit right with you, but it’s all that you knew so once you start treating your children in a similar way you will soon notice. You’re going to make mistakes with your children, and that just makes you a human being. The key is in correcting yourself and your mistakes and unlearning traumatic behaviors. If you can do that, you’re ready

Find your village.

If you want to reduce your anxiety surrounding parenting, you need to talk to other parents in your position. Finding a village and relying on them while you raise your children will help you to be a better parent. You need the input of your peers, and this is what you need. It’s also going to help you to learn when something is a real issue and not just a minor concern.

Learn to separate your fear.

Anxiety is driven by fear, and if you want to separate that fear from the fact happening right now, you’re going to need to build a defense against the anxiety seeping in. You deserve better than to feel constantly worried all the time, so get as much help as necessary to make sure that you are fighting those fears and pushing back the anxiety that raises its ugly head. You won’t regret that.


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Barb Webb. Founder and Editor of Rural Mom, is an the author of "Getting Laid" and "Getting Baked". A sustainable living expert nesting in Appalachian Kentucky, when she’s not chasing chickens around the farm or engaging in mock Jedi battles, she’s making tea and writing about country living and artisan culture.
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