Support Shelter Pets – New Kids Impact Project

At Rural Mom, we are avid advocates for shelter pets. The majority of dogs and cats in our lives are adoptees. We are grateful for each and every one!

Which is why we love the thoughtful new project that kids (and adults) are sure to love from Alltruists: “Show Shelter Pets Love.”

This project is one of the at-home, kid-friendly volunteer project for families. Alltruists kits encourage children to get involved and volunteer in a fun and meaningful way.

Reminding us all pets need love the project “Show Shelter Pets Love” uses a creative hands-on approach. Activities and thoughtfully curated educational booklets help kids to understand more about animal shelters.

Support Shelter Pets - New Kids Impact Project

Show Shelter Pets Love

The key concept of the “Show Shelter Pets Love” is to help kids understand why we have animal shelters and how to support them.

Created in collaboration with nonprofit partner Austin Pets Alive!, who receives proceeds from each box, the kit includes:

  • dog and cat toy crafts to donate to Austin Pets Alive!
  • learning materials including real-life stories
  • coloring sheet with dog accessories
  • activities and items to encourage children to have a greater impact in aiding shelter animals
  • prepaid mailers to deliver completed volunteer project.

Alltruist never misses a beat on utilizing all materials, either. Children can also turn the box into a puppy!

Support Shelter Pets - New Kids Impact Project

Support Shelter Pets

Right now it’s a little tougher to find volunteer opportunities outside your home. Alltruists offers the perfect solution. It also offers you a great opportunity to turn your weekly craft and family time into a collaborative volunteer project.

Shelter pets need our love. Many of these animals have been abandon or abused.  Some simply need a little time and attention. Every pet needs a loving home. And every home that has a loving better, in our opinion, is an awesome one! Pets add much joy to our lives. Please consider helping them in this very special way.

Alltruists has a wealth of other impact project kits availabe, too. Including titles like “Save TheLocal Bees” and “Support A Family Experiencing Food Insecurity”. So, when you finish helping our furr-friends, pick out new, exciting ways for your family to volunteer!

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Barb Webb. Founder and Editor of Rural Mom, is an the author of "Getting Laid" and "Getting Baked". A sustainable living expert nesting in Appalachian Kentucky, when she’s not chasing chickens around the farm or engaging in mock Jedi battles, she’s making tea and writing about country living and artisan culture.
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