How to Get Your Garden Ready for Summer

Getting ready for summer in your garden can be tricky. If you want to make the most of your outdoor space, you have to start preparing things now. Making sure you do all you can to prepare the space now will ensure you get your garden ready for summer. The changes you make now will massively impact the functionality of the space and how you use it during summertime.

We’re going to talk about some of the best changes you might want to make in order to get the most out of your space going forward. There are so many options open to you! Changes that make the most sense for your garden will depend on a variety of factors. So read on now if you want to find out more about these ideas.

Create a Fire Pit as a Focal Point

During the summer, you’ll probably want to spend more of your evenings outside, and that’s definitely the way it should be. You can make sure that those evenings can last for longer when you have a source of heat in your garden.

A fire pit acts as that source of heat. It also has the secondary benefit of acting as a good focal point for a seating area. Sitting around the fire with friends and family on summer evenings can be a lot of fun.

Clean Down the Patio and Decking

If it’s been a long time since you went outside and enjoyed your decking or patio area, one of the most important things you can do as you prepare for summer is clean those areas down. You want to make sure that the decking and patio area are not only comfortable but also clean and appealing to spend time in. You’re not going to want to use those spaces to sit and relax if they’re dirty and haven’t been looked after properly.

How to Get Your Garden Ready for Summer

Attract Wildlife

A garden feels a lot more appealing and vibrant when there’s plenty of wildlife there. It’s important to consider how you make your garden more appealing to creatures. It doesn’t have to be at all difficult.

You can attract wildlife in all kinds of ways. The easiest method is simply by adding some bird feeders and maybe a bird bath. When you do that, the garden will immediately start to feel more alive as birds flock to your garden and maybe make it their home.

Tidy Up the Debris and Weeds

It’s the little details that often make the biggest difference when it comes to your garden. Pulling up the weeds and getting rid of any debris and anything that shouldn’t be there will immediately make the space feel more appealing. That’s why you should try to remove all of that stuff. It’ll immediately make the space feel much better cared for and that definitely matters a lot. You don’t want the place to look a mess all the time because then you won’t want to spend any time out there.

Get the Lawn in Shape

The lawn is one of the most important aspects of the garden and it shouldn’t be overlooked. If you can get the lawn in shape sooner rather than later, you’ll make the garden look completely refreshed and ready for the summer. When there are patches in your lawn where grass is no longer growing, this is easily addressed with the right watering and some new seeds. If you’re not sure how to deal with your lawn’s problems, simply find a landscaper who can take care of it for you.

Improve the Outdoor Cooking Space

Another way in which you can really enhance your outdoor area is by improving or adding a cooking space. This is where you’ll be preparing meals for family and friends during the summer when you want to dine outside rather than in the house.

You might want to install a new barbecue or look for other alternative options. Some people prefer pizza ovens, but there are lots of options to research and consider if you want to add something new to your garden.

Add Color with Containers in Planters

If you want to add some more color and variety to your garden, the easiest way to do that is with flowers and planters. When you’re adding more flowers and different varieties of plants, you can make the garden so much more visually appealing and more dynamic. Is your garden is currently lacking a little color? Then it makes sense to add some new flowers and add a new dimension to the space you have available to you. You don’t want it to look too monochrome.

Create a Seating Area with a New Sofa

If you’re going to get the most out of your garden during the summer months, you’ll need to make sure that you have a good seating area in place at the very least. When you have sofas and spaces to relax, you can make it much easier for you and your family to take it easy and enjoy the weather. It’s also ideal for when you have friends over at your home and you want to entertain in the garden.

When making your choice, consider the best material for outdoor sectionals and how to maximize the space at your disposal.

Make the Shed Functional

You can take care of your garden much better and really develop a love of gardening if you have a space that makes that possible. For many people, that’ll be a simple garden shed. Making your shed as functional as it can be can make a real difference to your garden and how you look after it. It creates a base from which you can make improvements and store all of your gardening equipment. And that’s definitely important!

Start Collecting Water for When It Gets Dryer

As you head towards summer, it’ll get dryer and rain a lot less. That’s why it makes sense to start collecting rainwater now. If you collect and store it, you’ll then be able to use it to keep the garden hydrated. A bonus throughout the summer months when there’s not much rainfall.

It’s also a much more eco-friendly way to keep your garden watered. Plus, it’s very efficient. You’ll also save yourself a lot of money by not using a hose to water the garden with. An obvious benefit to you and your pocketbook.

Add Lights for Evening Entertaining

If you plan on entertaining guests in your garden during the evenings, it definitely makes sense to add some lighting. Want to make sure that the garden is a place where you’re able to spend your evenings during the summer? Add fairy lights or something similar will make a big difference and help to make that possible.

Evening entertaining in the garden is what summer is all about. So, you’ll definitely want to make sure that you have the option to do that.

As you can see, there are lots of options to consider if you want to get your garden ready for summer. Making the right changes now will make your life a lot easier. It will also ensure you create an outdoor space that’ll deliver everything you need. Each of the ideas above will hopefull serve you well!

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Barb Webb. Founder and Editor of Rural Mom, is an the author of "Getting Laid" and "Getting Baked". A sustainable living expert nesting in Appalachian Kentucky, when she’s not chasing chickens around the farm or engaging in mock Jedi battles, she’s making tea and writing about country living and artisan culture.
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