Martha Stewart’s Organizing: The Manual for Bringing Order to Your Life, Home & Routines

At Rural Mom, our top priority this year is organizing our life and home. Who better to start us on the path than Martha Stewart? We received a copy of “Martha Stewart’s Organizing: The Manual for Bringing Order to Your Life, Home & Routines” and absolutely love every page!

How does Martha do it all? Apparently, she has mad organizing skills! And she’s sharing them!

In her new book, “”Martha Stewart’s Organizing,” she shares her secrets to success. Each page is designed to help you master the art of organization and live a more fulfilling life.

Martha Stewart's Organizing: The Manual for Bringing Order to Your Life, Home & Routines

What’s Inside of “Martha Stewart’s Organizing: The Manual for Bringing Order to Your Life, Home & Routines”?

“Martha Stewart’s Organizing” provides Stewart’s own monthly calendars as templates. You can personalize them to suit your unique style and to achieve Martha Stewart’s level of organizational success.

There’s big picture advice and smaller step-by-step projects to enhance each month. Stewart helps readers craft a deliberate approach to organizing, with clear rules, pre-set schedules, and to-do lists.

The manual is split into three sections:

  • Organize Your Year
  • Organize Your Home
  • and Organize Your Routine.

Topics in the guide include:

  • Room by room strategies to make spaces more hardworking and rewarding.
  • Seasonal advice like when to swap out bedding and clothing and how to put away holiday decor.
  • Day-by-day or week-by-week plan for projects such as de-cluttering, house cleaning, creating a filing system, overhauling the closet, and more.

Stewart walks readers through goal-setting, her principles or organizing, useful supplies, and creating systems for ongoing success. There’s plenty of strategies, how-tos, timelines, and checklists to help you stay organized all year long.

My personal experience with “Martha Stewart’s Organizing”

In the blogging world, there’s a saying that Martha is the inspiration for all “how to” and crafts that came after. There’s plenty of truth to this! Many of us in the home and garden segment of the internet (like Rural Mom) grew up with advice from the home and craft guru, Martha Stewart.

So who better than to turn to when your life need an extra boost of organization and creativity! While we all certainly have our own brand of advice to offer – such as Rural Mom is very farm, rural and suburban-orientated in nature – it’s certainly helpful to step outside our own space and see what other’s have to offer.

Within the pages of “Martha Stewart’s Organizing” I found oodles of practical advice and inspiration. I’ll be using the monthly calendars in conjunction with my calendar planner throughout the new year.

I particularly love the “Organize Your Home” section, which offers room-by-room steps and advice. I’ve already started working on my entryway and office. Planning to work my way around our home to put all the tips in the book to good use.

Admittedly, as a writer who has covered the topics of organizing, crafting and rural home living, some of the advice inside this guide are things I’m already doing. However, I found plenty of new inspiration to head in new directions. I also really find it very inspiring to have calendars full of creative ideas and a home guide to help me tackle each space.

Bottom line, “Martha Stewart’s Organizing: The Manual for Bringing Order to Your Life, Home & Routines” is an excellent resource to begin the new year with. It’s a book you will turn to over and over again each month!


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Barb Webb. Founder and Editor of Rural Mom, is an the author of "Getting Laid" and "Getting Baked". A sustainable living expert nesting in Appalachian Kentucky, when she’s not chasing chickens around the farm or engaging in mock Jedi battles, she’s making tea and writing about country living and artisan culture.
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