Celebrating National Egg Month with Farm Fresh Eggs, Italian Style

It’s nearly summer and my garden is yielding all sorts of wonderful delights. As I’m a huge fan of classic Italian garden staples like basil, parsley and tomatoes, there’s certainly an abundance to enjoy.  Thanks to my partnership with Pete and Gerry’s Organic Eggs, I was inspired to create a new breakfast dish that makes full use of my garden herbs and veggies which I’ve dubbed “eggs, italian style”!

May is National Egg Month, so what better way to celebrate than with a farm fresh breakfast to start your day off right.  Chock full of veggie goodness, protein, vitamins, antioxidants and all the things your body loves to have to fuel up for the day – my eggs, Italian style makes my taste-buds happy dance, too.

Celebrating National Egg Month with Farm Fresh Eggs, Italian Style

Eggs Are Healthy

When you look at the ingredients I used – Pete and Gerry’s Organic Eggs, organic grown spinach, tomatoes, and herbs, extra virgin olive oil, balsamic vinegar – you would think “hey, that’s a great healthy breakfast,” right?  Well did you know that the FDA considers sugary cereals and toaster pastries “healthy” but not eggs?  As a farmer and a consumer, that makes absolutely no sense to me.

Pete and Gerry’s is helping to raise consumer awareness with their Eggs Are Healthy campaign, hoping to make the FDA reconsider their standards of “healthy” by sharing this ridiculous labeling criteria.  I honestly had no idea the FDA is still stuck in the dark ages of nutrition, it’s really enlightening to learn just how backwards the guidance standards are.  You can get the full scoop here: https://www.peteandgerrys.com/blog/eggs-are-healthy.

As an organic gardener, I’m very concerned with the health of my plants and do my best to ensure my family gets the best, freshest, organic produce I can possibly produce.  The same holds true for eggs, I enjoy raising organic-fed chickens.  When production is lower, I turn to brands like Pete and Gerry’s Organic Eggs to supplement.  I trust that they will be of the same quality as eggs from chickens we raise on our own.

Celebrating National Egg Month with Farm Fresh Eggs, Italian Style

Why I Choose Pete and Gerry’s

Pete and Gerry’s raise their hens on small family-run free-range farms (just like ours,) are Certified Humane, and they are organic, with no GMOs or antibiotics, chemical-free and pesticide-free.  It boggles my mind that the FDA would consider sugary cereals a healthier alternative!

This may be a sponsored recipe post, but this is a company I truly admire.  I would include Pete and Gerry’s Organic Eggs in my recipe making, regardless. They are that excellent!  I’m glad I can use my own judgement in deciding what’s “healthy” for myself and enjoy my eggs, Italian style to the fullest to help fuel my day.

Note:  This dish is inspired by Caprese salad, but is dairy free. You could certainly add a little slice of fresh mozzarella to the mix, if desired.

Celebrating National Egg Month with Farm Fresh Eggs, Italian Style

Rural Mom’s Eggs, Italian Style

Pete and Gerry’s Organic Eggs
tomato, sliced thick
5-6 spinach leaves
fresh basil or Italian parsley (or both!)
balsamic vinegar reduction
extra virgin olive oil
optional – salt and pepper

Set medium size skillet on burner over a medium heat.  Drizzle a teaspoon of olive oil into skillet and heat for 30 seconds.

Lay spinach leaves in a small circle in the center of a medium-size (or large) plate.  Layer with one to two slices of tomato.

Crack open one Pete and Gerry’s Organic Egg and fry egg sunny-side up until fully cooked.  Season with salt and pepper, if desired.  If you prefer, you may opt to scramble the egg, cook over-easy or in any other skillet style you prefer.

When egg is finished cooking, remove from skillet and place on top of tomato and spinach salad.

Drizzle balsamic vinegar reduction over egg.  Top with chopped basil or Italian parsley (or both!)  Serve and enjoy.

Celebrating National Egg Month with Farm Fresh Eggs, Italian Style

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Tags: eggs, farm fresh, garden, rural lifestyle
Barb Webb. Founder and Editor of Rural Mom, is an the author of "Getting Laid" and "Getting Baked". A sustainable living expert nesting in Appalachian Kentucky, when she’s not chasing chickens around the farm or engaging in mock Jedi battles, she’s making tea and writing about country living and artisan culture.
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